4. Memories flooding back

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Chapter 4: Memories Flooding Back

Austin's POV

Dude, she fell hard in my arms. I nearly fell, I didn't even notice she was falling.

"Peter, c'mon help me!", I said with Luna still in my arms, passed out.

He ran over, frowning, as if he hated what I'd just done for the sake of our pack. When we got her into the back of the van, I had to sit in the back with her just in case she woke up. It was a real silent, until Luna groaned.

"My head hurts...", she said, holding her head. She pushed herself up with her arms, not moving her legs.

"Hey, go back to sleep or I make you.", I said, sternly. She blinked a couple of times before noticing it was me.

She whimpered in fear.

She started crying! Dude, what the heck!?

"Stop crying.", I said, annoyed. Her legs moves into a curve behind her as she sat on the backs of her legs, crying into her hands.

"Don't worry, he's just normally rude.", Peter said. He was the only one not afraid of me. I snarled at him. I saw the fear in Luna's eyes. It made me feel bad for kidnapping her. But, it was for the sake of the pack. I wanted so terribly to be Alpha.

"It'll be OK, Luna. I swear.", Peter said, smiling at Luna. What the...?

Did she just smile back? Oh no! She has to be my mate! Not his!

I moved next to Luna. Not to close. Just close enough not to freak her out.

She had stopped crying after Peter smiled at her. She looked at me, confused.

"Are you OK, Luna?", I asked, actually wanting to know. She looked at her feet, frowning. I moved closer to see her face.

"Dude, I seriously want to know.", I said to her. I pulled back my hand, she flinched. I slowly calmed myself and backed down.

"I'm sorry. Just go back to sleep.", I said, moving into a corner. Scowling at her for giving me the silent treatment.

"You know, Austin may scowl and glare at you, but he finds you surprisingly cute.", Peter said, laughing. I glared at Peter.

"That was unnecessary, Peter.", I said, blushing.

"You look kinda...OK when you blush...", Luna said, looking over at me. I coughed to keep myself from getting embarrassed. "I'm going to sleep. Don't kill me.", Luna said, laying her head down on her hands.

After a while, she started to snore. Ugh, it got annoying real fast.

"Peter, stop flirting with her. I need her to become Alpha. And you know that so, back off.", I growled at him through clenched teeth.

"You don't even like her and your acting like you do. Don't hurt her, it'll break her. And if you break her, I'll break you.", He snarled, glaring at me through the rear view mirror.

It was true, I was acting. But, he didn't need to know that.

"No, I'm not. I mean, she's a nice girl and I need her to be my mate. So, I guess I have to get to know her. Oh, we're here!", I said, opening the doors to the van. I picked her up.

Oh no, I didn't tell them I was going to get her tonight. Only Peter knows. Great, I'll get a full lecture in the morning.

Luna's POV

I woke up on a mattress on the floor.

I had heard EVERYTHING Peter and Austin had said.




And what was with the growling? Gosh, I'm in a madhouse! I gotta get out! I got up and looked around. I saw 2 doors. I walked into the closest one.

It was a bathroom. It was grimy. I was afraid to even walk on the floor. Yuck!

I ran to the next one. Yes, a hallway!

It was time to be a ninja to get out of here.

I slowly tip-toed to the end of the hall. There were several doors.

I just randomly chose.

I walked to this dark looking door. I thought if I touched it, it'd sting.

I slowly set my hand on the handle and turned it. It felt like I was holding electricity in my hand.

It was a little hallway to the outside! Yes, freedom!  I was going home!

I ran.

I was so close to the door handle, then I was pulled.

Are you kidding me!? Arms went around my waist and picked me up.

"Let me go! I don't wanna be here!", I screamed.

"Stop yelling!", I heard Austin's voice say. He started walking to the bedroom I was just in. I kept yelling help. He set me down and walked out locking the door.

"Don't do this! Please!", I yelled.

Someone started opening the door.

I looked over, but couldn't see. I tried leaning over the head, but fell off the bed.

"Ow.....", I said, holding my head.

"You OK?', a girl voice called out. It sounded perky, but was confused.

"Um.. Yea...", I said still on the floor.

"Who are you?", a little red headed girl in a pink fluffy dress.

"I was kidnapped....", I said twiddling my fingers.

"Oh no! Did Austin do this!? Austin! C'mon with me.", she told me. I got up and walked behind her, my arms crossed in fear. Austin came down some stairs.

"What's up little s- Oh no!", he said, looking at me in disappointment. "Why did you let her out!?", he said, walking towards me. About to pick me up again.

"Touch me and I'll slap you so hard. You won't have lips to smirk with.", I said, glaring straight at him. He smirked. I slapped him.

"Ow! What was that for!?", he said, holding where I had hit him.

"Kidnapping me!", I said, right before he slapped me and I fell to the ground with a bang.

"Austin!", I heard his sister yell at him.

"Now, slap me again I slap you. Punch me, I punch you. You cooperate with me or I kill one of your family members.", I heard him say, but I was to busy holding my face to care.

I got up and ran off to that room I was in and got in a corner, crying. Austin walked in.

"You OK?", he asked, walking towards me. I stared up at him, tears swelling up in my eyes.

"No! Your an inconsistent jerk! I don't have any family members for you to kill! They are all gone! They died! In front of me.....", I said, going through all the thing that happened that night.

"What happened?", he asked, sitting next to me. It comforted me, but not alot.

"My mom, dad, and sister all were moving alot. Because we were in the witness protection program, after a- Nevermind I can't tell you that, but one day. He found us..... My sister was first.... He slit her throat.", I felt more tears rolling down my cheeks.

"Then, my father..... He stabbed him....In the back.", I set my head in my hands, crying even more. "My mom was last... He took her hostage.... A few days later, the police found out... I was missing. When they found me they told me.... The man was shot....I was happy, you know, but then they told me... He killed her, my mom, In front of the police station. She bled out....", I became silent.

He just sat there staring at me. I was paralyzed with fear. "It'll be ok.", he said. I looked up at him and he put his arm around me. For the first time in a long time....

I felt safe...

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