12. Memories, Endings, Stayings.

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I have a new laptop and it's a touch screen. That's why I'm kinda messing up on this. So, yea! Not yet edited for mistakes!

Luna's POV

I woke up in a dark, murky room. My wrists and ankles chained to the chair I'd been sleeping on. I wanted to cry, but held back any tears that came my way. I heard uneasy clopping footsteps. Out of nowhere, the boy that stabbed me and threw me into the backseat of a car, walked out of the shadows. He looked nervous, but was smirking. I absolutely began to tremble in my chair.

"Oh, don't worry. We're just gonna play a game. If you win, you get to leave. If I win, you stay and become my servant. For the rest of your miserable life.", he said, mischievously grinning. "I ask 5 questions. For each one I will unlock a chain. The last one and I will show you the way out. Deal?" I nodded, nearly crying. The chains were made of silver, so every time I moved, a pain shot through my body. I winced as I moved my wrist. He walked over to me.

"First question. What were you doing at Alpha Jayden's house, the night we attacked?", he said. I felt like I was in an interrogation. I felt a tear after tear, trickle down my face.

"I- I'm h- h- his mate.", I stuttered in pain. He looked on my face, like he was trying to find the answer. He snarled, unlocking a chain on my ankle. I felt a sudden relief around my ankle. As if it was healing.

"Second question. Who are you?", he said, questioning.

"I'm Luna Jay,", I said with such confidence. "I'm... I go to Middle Oak High. My best friend is a girl named Kourtney. And the rest you'll never find out.", I spat. I was furious. Being held against my will, doesn't bring out the good side in me. He chuckled, unlocking my other ankle.

"Third. Are you sure Jayden is your mate? He doesn't act like he really loves you. Austin seems like you're his world. But, Jayden does seem like he loves you too. The way he was talking to his beta's. Every time he said your name it was like that was the only word he had said. Luna. Although, I did see Austin beat Peter after you ran.", he said, smirking at me. How did he know this things? Has he been spying on me?! That's not weird at all. Cue sarcasm.

"Are you stalking me?", I whispered, leaning closer to him as my wrists burned and ached. There was no response from him, just a grin. I knew I was going to have to answer if I wanted to get out of here.

"Yes, but Austin says he's my mate too. I'm new at this mate stuff.", I said, leaning back in the chair. The pain got unbearable. I screeched as he unlocked the chain around my right wrist.

"Fourth. Why did you leave Jacob? Remember, the little boy who was your best friend, the whole time while you lived with a pack of rouges. Why did you leave him? He stills remembers you. There isn't a single day that goes by that he doesn't think of you. Not. One. Day. He still has nightmares from the day you ran out of your house. Cover in blood. A man had just walked in screaming your name, and slaughtering your family. I'm Jacob, Luna. You do remember me, don't you?", he said, his face looking as if it pained him to say all of it. I couldn't help, but remember him.

The last time I saw him I was 7 and he was 3 years older than me. His brown curly hair. The way his braces shimmered when he smiled. Now he looked differant. Same brown curly hair. No more braces, but he does have to piercings on each side of his mouth. He didn't look like he would ever smile again. I began to sob, silently. He was my best friend, until he didn't believe me that I saw my 'family' murdered. That he saw absolutely nothing. By the terror in his eyes that day, he saw.

"Oh no, don't cry. It'll be ok.", he said, trying his best to comfort me. I shrugged him off, coldly. I didn't want him to touch, talk, or even see me. I remembered him. I never forgot him or that day. The day I was taking into an orphanage. And put into a foster home with those horrid people. They caged me, abused me, made me fight for my life. For food. For everything.

"Yes! Ok! I remember you! The way you left me! The way I felt abandoned by my only friend.", I said, starting as a shout and turned into a whisper. I wanted to curl into a tiny ball and disappear off the face of the earth. Just a month ago, I was a normal little teenager, but not anymore. I had confidence now, I wasn't afraid of going to places with no people. He sighed and unlocked the last chain. I rubbed my wrists. I felt relieved that I was no longer burning to death.

"Last question. Do you love me, like I love you?", he asked, looking up  at me with sad eyes. I didn't love him! I didn't! I couldn't love something that lied to the authorities. Because of him, I couldn't be adopted ,only stuck in foster homes!

"No! I can't love a monster! I couldn't have a normal life because of you! They could've killed me and no one would've cared! You ruined my life, Jacob!", I screamed, tears flowing out of my eyes like a river. He looked angered and went to push me back into the chair. I put up a fight!

"That wasn't the right answer!", he said, pushing me into the chair and  going to lock my ankle.

"Please, no! No! I promise I'll stay! Just don't put me in this chair!", I screamed. I hated being locked up. The pain didn't bother me. Being cornered does. I began crying and kicking him. He stopped after I said I'd stay. He smiled the creepiest smile ever. He let me stand up and run. I ran as fast as I could, I knew I couldn't go anywhere or else he wouldn't have let me run.

I ran and tripped on someone. I pulled my arms in and braced for impact, but it never came. I felt someone's arms around me. I opened my eyes to see a black haired, tall guy. He had a smile that looked beautiful. I, then, noticed. I've met this person before. It was Aaron.

I screamed as he grinned at me. I tried to push him away, but it was no use. Jacob was my walking nightmare. He used to be a brother to me ,when he lived next to me I was in the foster home.

Until, I had stopped talking to him. He began bullying me and I was known as a nerd that could do nothing. Jacob began sprinting in.

"Oh, you found her. Thanks, Aaron.", he said, grabbing for my wrist and pulling me. "C'mon, Aaron. Luna, you seriously don't think I could've found you on my own. Aaron helped."

"Of course you didn't do it by yourself! You're just a ignorant over-grown DOG!", I yelled with such distaste in my mouth. He slapped me and threw me to the ground. I was thinking Aaron would come over and kick me in the stomach. But, instead he pushed Jacob to the ground.

"You said you wouldn't hurt her!", he said, running to my aid. "I, only, helped him find you. Because, you were the only girl I ever thought of as my sister." Aaron's 2 sister's died in a car accident with his dad. It was hard for his mom to keep taking care of him, so my foster mom and dad took care of him most of the time. All I knew now that was I had to get off of this insane asylum. But, I had to find a way to bring Aaron with me. And make sure I get far away from Jacob as possible.

I know it's a little sloppy, but I think you get what's going on.
Three questions!
1. What do you think the foster parent's did to Luna?
2. Is Jacob in love or just a psychopath? Or both?
3. Will Jayden and Austin ever find her or will they stop trying?
So, Yup hope you guys liked it! Next chapter coming soon! Bye!!!!!✌Also, check out ChristinaHollowell. She writes good books on here and at school. So peace out loves!

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