9. I just ran away, now I want to go back

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Austin's POV

I can't believe I kissed her. Me! Oh gosh.... This is going to kill Peter! Finally, I get him back for flirting with her! Ha! Sucker! I'm going to announce in the morning that I did! Yes!

When we woke up...

I got up and my room was clean! Oh yeah. I forgot. I was angry of all the trash, that I just pushed it into my closet. I walked out and saw the pack was in the living room.

I nearly lost it when I saw Peter's arm around Luna. I walked into the middle of the living room and cleared my throat. loudly, so they would hear me.

The talking stopped and all eyes were on me. I pointed for Luna to stand next to me. She got up, nervously, and stood next to me. I put my arm around her waist and pulled her closer.

" Me and Luna, have kissed, went on a date, and are now together.", I said this while smiling at Peter. Everyone congratulated us, everyone except Peter. I smirked at him and his jealousy. I walked towards him. I was smiling like a doof on the inside.

"Hey, Peter. Aren't you going to congratulate me and Luna?", I said, smirking to make him mad. 

"No, you're just using her.... And you know it. I'll find a way to get her to me and as far away from you as possible.", he said, crossing his arms and snarling. I growled, he didn't know I wasn't using her.

I actually do like her. But he's going to try and take her....From me! 

"No, that's where you're wrong. I do like her. And you aren't getting anywhere near her!", I said, sitting in my chair with my arms crossed. I heard Peter scoff. I growled, again. She's mine, not his!

Luna's POV

Wow, did Austin, really, just say I'm dating him? Without asking me about it first? No way, that's not right! Dating my kidnapper?! No!

I'm not like that. I'm fearless. Sometimes....... And, anyways, it's not like I like him.....Right? Gosh, I feel so gross. Why am I dating my kidnapper?! I mean, at first I liked Peter, but now I'm dating Austin?

Woah, I'm confused. I looked down and noticed I was still wearing my PJ's.

"Guys, I'm gonna go change into something more comfortable. Bye, be back in a minute.", I said, waving bye and walked down the hallway to the room I've beeen sleeping in. I changed into a black tank top and a plaid skirt.

I mean, it's comfy. But, I know they don't exactly match.

It was hot so, I pulled up my hair in a pony tail. I put on my white tennis shoes that Lizzie gave me. I was just about to walk out, when the door opened.

"Are you presentable?", he asked.

"Yea, c'mon in. What do you need, Peter?", I asked, tying my shoe laces. Peter looked like he was thinking very deeply about something.

He came over and sat down next to me. I looked up at him and saw he was smiling at me. I grinned a goofy grin and started tying my other shoe. He put his arm around me and pulled me closer to him. I could feel my face getting hot and knew I was blushing. I tried to scoot away, but his arm didn't budge.

I was closer to him than I would like. He kissed my forehead, and that made my face hotter.

"Hehe, um... Well, I should be getting back to Austin.", I said, standing up and walking towards the door. I was almost to the door and felt Peter's hand grab my arm.

I turned to look at him, but he crashed his lips into mine.

I didn't want to kiss him, so I started pushing him away. All that did was make him hold his grip on my arm.

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