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Huffing out a breath of frustration, I shove dress after dress across the rail. Every dress I look at isn't what I want. I move onto the next rail and then the next, cursing at how hard it is to find a damn dress with the very little money I have in my pocket.

Maybe it's because I don't know what I'm looking for exactly. I've never wanted to look different before.

Tasha's birthday is tonight and she's insistent that we go to The Wolf Cave for her birthday. At first, I begged and pleaded with her to change her mind and go somewhere else. I couldn't tell her why when she asked. Tasha's a good friend, but there's no way I can't tell her about Colton. She'd encourage simply for him owning a club.

I even offered my house, but she's adamant to go to the one place I don't want to go back to. I think she's secretly hoping to run into her admirers again and this time not getting kicked out.

I sigh and pull a disgusted face at the colourful disaster my eyes have just witnessed, moving onto the next dress and hating it even more. Tasha won't change her mind and she'd be hurt if I didn't go. We're going whether I like it or not and the only thing left is find something good to wear.

I decide that if I am going back to this club, I want to look good this time. My chances of bumping into Colton are high. I'm even a little agitated that I secretly hope it will happen because we haven't spoken. I miss him, which confuses me and keeps me awake tossing and turning at night. I'm still so mad at him about everything yet I can't stop thinking him.

It's hard admitting the real reason why I'm searching for a new outfit. That it's all for him. I don't want to look like I did when he first met me. I want to look nice. Older. Maybe better than his supermodel girlfriend, though a part of me knows that's impossible.

My phone vibrates inside my jeans pocket. No really paying attention, I pull it out and answer it. "Hello?"

"Hey, honey!" I blink a few times in shock. It's my mother. "How are you and Ray?"

"Is that really you, mum?"

"Don't be funny, Layla," she scolds. "How are you and Ray?"

I sigh silently. My parents are on a cruise somewhere. I lost track a few months ago of their whereabouts and business ventures. I don't really care. They're a part of my life but not really in it.

"Yeah, we're okay," I tell her distractedly as I continue flicking through the dresses on the rail. "School is over, so I'm going to a club tonight."

Some exotic music plays in the background and she laughs at something, completely forgetting that she's on the phone to me. I roll my eyes, noting how unconcerned she is after telling her that her underage daughter is off to a club.

"Hello?" I ask impatiently.

"Oh, sorry, your father's doing the conga! It's so funny."

"Ugh," I pull a face. "Not a vision I want, thanks."

She doesn't hear me. "I can't talk long. I was just calling to tell you we'll be coming home next month for your birthday."

My eyes widen a fraction. That's new. "Oh. Great."

"I've also put some money in your bank account for the summer. I'm sure you need some new clothes."

Although speaking to her is not something I want right now, I could have squealed out loud because of her. Ray gets the money our parents send to him to put away for food and household stuff, and he obviously gets his own money. But sometimes they remember, and we get some money to spend for holidays. This is the only time I ever get a mound of cash to go and spend on my hearts desires without having to beg Ray for money.

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