Chapter 4: Meeting Him

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"I'm heading off to the Haddocks!" I yelled as I head towards the front of house with my car keys. "Alright! We will see you later!" mum said and I had walked out of the house and I headed towards my car.

As I had hopped into the car, I had gotten my phone out and I had selected my boss' number and I had texted them.

Astrid: Hi! I am your son's tutor! Could I have your address by any chance because my father didn't give me the address.

After I had sent the text, not long after I had received a text from the number.

Unknown: Hello! I am not Mr Haddock, I will tell you who I am once you arrive at the Haddocks Residence. But I am your official boss. Also, the address is 27 Berk St.

Astrid: Alright! Thank you!

I said as I had put the address into the GPS, I had drove out of the drive way and I had headed off to the Haddock's household.

A few minutes later...

As I had stopped my car in front of the big mansion that they call the Haddock's Residence, my eyes widen. This is one of the biggest mansions that I have ever seen! I thought that it was smaller than this. It's just like a castle.

As I had undone my seat belt, I had quickly grabbed my bag before I open the car door. As I closed the car door, I had walked towards the gates of the residence and I

had looked at the speaker. I guess I have to talk into that. As I had pressed the little red button and I had heard a loud voice.

"This is the Haddock's Residence." The security man said into the speaker and I had pressed the button again.

"I am Astrid Hofferson. The tutor of Stoick's youngest son." I said and the gates opened and my eyes widen.

"Welcome to the residence Miss Hofferson." He said before the speaker had turned off and I walk into the main garden of the mansion and it's so beautiful. There are flower beds everywhere, there were seats around the area and as well as that, there were bushes that were shaped in different things which had made me smile.

This is one of the best places I have ever been to...

"Astrid Hofferson..." I heard a low toned voice and I turned towards the main doors to see a young man. He has auburn shaggy hair, he is wearing a sweat shirt and jeans.

"H-Hi." I said as I walked up to him closer and he chuckled.

"I'm your boss, Hiccup Haddock." Hiccup said and my eyes widen. No way! The mayor's oldest son is my boss! That's impossible!

"Lovely to meet you Mr Haddock." I said and he smiled.

"Ethan is upstairs ready for you. But first, make sure you take off your shoes outside." Hiccup said pointing at my shoes and I had laughed nervously before taking off my slip-on shoes and I had put them with the rest of them before I had gone inside the household.

"I never thought I would be tutoring your little brother." I said as I turned around and Hiccup chuckled.

"Well, you are. Come with me." Hiccup said and I followed him down the hall to a huge study room and in the middle of it revealed a young teenage boy who was on his phone scrolling through Instagram.

"Ethan!" Hiccup yelled at him which had got his attention.

"What?" He snapped back and I put my hand on my other arm.

"This is your tutor! Astrid Hofferson. Astrid Hofferson, meet your student... Ethan..."

"Nice to meet you, beautiful." He said winking at me and I rolled my eyes.

"Come on, let's get this tutoring done and over with for today..." I said as I walked over to the desk which is in the middle of the room and I take my laptop out and I turned it on.

Let's start this tutoring.... 

[Hey everyone! 

I hope you enjoy this chapter! I am still waiting on the cover but it won't be too long away. But I will update The Hunger Games tomorrow for you all since I didn't update for 2 day due to myself being busy. 


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