Chapter 37: CT Scan #1

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{Surprise surprise!}


I was standing in the X-ray room as I waited for Matthew, trying to figure out what to do. Today is going to be happy or a sad one... but it will depend.

"Are you ready for Matthew to come in Doctor?" Ash, the nurse asked me.

"Yes, let us do the first CT scan. Make sure to keep him calm while he is in there." I said before I had grabbed a clipboard and had waited which had only taken a couple of minutes for him to walk in.

"Where's Astrid?" Matthew asked and I had walked out to him smiling. "I'm right here. But Matthew, we have something to discuss."

"Like what?"

"I know we did the paperwork, but this is all you," I said as I put my hand on his shoulder.

"Today will either be a good day or a not so good one... you have to know this straightforward, no babbling on like I do sometimes. Your tumour could have spread. So I'm gonna check your scan and let you know in the next couple of hours about this test. You still have three tests to go after this if it goes successfully if not straight back onto treatment." I explained before the nurse had put him on the bench on where he needs to lay down.

"Now, I want you to put these earbuds in, then you'll go in. Don't worry, you're going to be alright. Just breath and close your eyes." I noted before I walked away from him, going over to the computers preparing myself for the scan.

Matthew (finally)
So today is the day I'm going to find out if I'm going to have a successful CT scan or not. Even if I have a successful first one, it is still going to make me nervous. "You ready son?" I turned my head when I heard mum and I smiled at her. 

"I am ready," I said slowly as I watched mum walk over to me. 

"Today is going to be a very big day son," She said sitting down beside me, while I was looking at her, still having a huge smile on my face. 

"Yeah, I know. But this is the start of my new life. I am looking forward to it." I said putting my favourite cap on my head backwards.

"Well, I'm proud of you. I still feel bad that I didn't know you were in the hospital a couple of months ago, but I am proud to see my son back on his feet." She said before she kissed my forehead before rising to her feet. 

"We will be downstairs when your ready." She said before she walked out of the room leaving me there. Today is going to be a huge day, but I reckon it will be worth it. 


"Alright Matthew, you ready to go in?" Ash asked me as I watched Astrid walk off into her position. 

"Yeah, I am ready." I said before I lye down onto the resting table {I don't know the professional name sadly} and I had felt a blanket go over me, I don't know what for... but it's probably to protect me or something for radiation? 

No P.O.V.

"I'm going to start the procedure, since we are ready. This is going to be a very scary few minutes..." Astrid said to Ash as the CT scanner was flicked on, making the room dark. 

"He will be okay Astrid, I know that." Ash said as he watched the CT scan take Matthew inside. 

"I hope he will be... It's been a hard few months with him." Astrid looked at him before she turned her head towards the screen to watch the scan for a moment. 


I was looking at the scan as it was recording his whole scan and I was in complete shock on how it was looking. For a first time doing a CT scan, it looked pretty cool and satisfying. 

"CT scan's look cool don't they?" Eret said entering the scan quietly as I continued to look at it. It's looking good so far... Thank thor!

"How does the scan look at the moment?" I asked as I turned my head to him, wanting Eret's full opinion. 

"In my opinion, it looks like it is a successful scan, but we need to have a good long look because this is just the recording." Eret said as he leaned his hand on the table as he watched it with me. 

"Alright, but though how long does it take to look?" 

"Didn't you learn this in university Hofferson?" 

"Just the knowledge of it... my teacher never said anything." I confessed and I heard a huge annoying sigh come out of his mouth. "It takes about half and hour to forty minutes. It can take longer, it just depends." He said. 

"Alright... thanks," I mumbled before looking over to Matthew.

"That's all we need for the scan... take him out please." I said before I watched the nurse switch the CT Scanner seat to get him out and I watched how he came out slowly. "He did a good job... Now I want you idiots to get him out of there please, I have to find out if he will be good or not." 

"Yes Doctor," I heard a couple of nurses say as I sat down and started looking through the recordings. 

"What do you think of them?" Ash said sitting down beside me. 

"They are looking okay... but its going to take me a while. Just go on your lunch break now, I am going to keep looking through." I said, gesturing him to go. 

"Thank you, Doctor." I heard him say before I looked back to the screen, eventually hearing the door slam.

Let's hope the results will be good. 

{Hello, ello ello! Good to see you all! I hope you guys are enjoying your day/evening! I have an announcement to make and I am extremely happy about this one!

Today I came on here just to check my profile out and stuff, and I saw these 'Ranks' for hashtags. I got confused at first, till I noticed that I was rank #54 in Hiccup and #38 with Astrid. Guys, I feel so proud to have made it this far with this fanfiction!

I am owing it all to you!

I just want to say that over this past year and a half with this fanfiction is showing me that I have supportive readers who I love. And I am proud to call you not only my readers, but my fandom. To owe you, over these next couple of days (hopefully) I will be bringing you a chapter for this fanfiction and possibly even new beginnings (I noticed people have been asking). 

But I love you all! And I will see you soon with another chapter!

Foreverhttyd xx}

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