Chapter 5: Pizza Talks

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"I don't get it. How do I get Sin?"

"There's two angles and an X you need to figure out. Find it by finding out Sin, Cos or Tan." I said as I show him exactly what to do and he groaned in frustration. 

"Astrid! I don't get it!" He groaned again before he ad thrown his pen onto the desk and it had rolled away from the paper. He really is dumb in the head with maths... girls on the other hand, he would get an A+ for hitting on him.

"You know, you could just let me show you a question with out you falling your eyes onto me. Can you please just pay attention?" I said starting to get extremely annoyed. 

"But your to beautiful." He winked at me and I felt like I wanted to throw up. 

"You know that I am like 5 years older then you." I reminded him and he chuckled. 

"I know, but your too beautiful to pay attention to." He smirked widely, but not long after he had smirked at me, I had the smell of pizza come into the room and I turned around to see that Hiccup was holding 2 boxes of pizza boxes.

"Alright, why don't we take a break for some pizza?" I suggested and Ethan had ran over straight to Hiccup going for one of the boxes.

"You like meat lovers?" Hiccup asked me as he watched his brother go over to the couch and he had started to heave through the slice of meat lovers and I looked at him disgusted a bit. 

"Yeah I do." I said while Hiccup had opened the box of pizza beside me and I had smelt the amazing smell of pizza go through my nose and I sighed before I grabbed a piece of pizza.

"Are you enjoying tutoring him today?" 

"Not really... He never pays attention, he always wants to kiss me or literally just be on his phone." I said as I had bitten into a piece of pizza.

"Don't worry he is always like that." Hiccup said chuckling and I softly smiled.

"Why is he failing his grades anyway?" I asked. 

"Well, he is failing because he hangs out with his girlfriend too much, he never payed attention in school and a few other things which I will tell you later." Hiccup whispered and I slightly look over to the boy who was just on his phone with a huge smile spread on his face. 

"Hiccup, I actually think you should talk to him. Talk to him about not going on his phone and all that much as he does. It looks like he is addicted." I said as I had gone back onto my laptop before getting my assignment up. 

"Well, you know, he can really be annoying. I have tried to talk to him the whole time, but it's extremely hard. He is actually on his phone." Hiccup said frustrated.

"I know this will probably kill him, but why don't you take his phone away, be like 'If you don't pass all of your tests and assignment's then you can't have your phone back.'" I suggested.

"Well, I do like that idea, but I don't know if he would approve. He is always nagging me for his phone if I take it from him."

"Why don't I take it from him and I will take it with me?"

"It's not a good idea. There are some numbers that your not supposed to know about that are in his phone." Hiccup explained as he rolled over to me in one of the office chairs and he had started to watch me type some of my assignment. 

"I was just making a suggestion, you don't have to take it. But if you want him to work, it's a pretty good idea. I was like that a bit in high school." 

"Really? But you had gotten straight A's."

"Yeah, but I had gone down when I had my abusive boyfriend... He made me text him all the time and well... I got to used to it I failed a lot of my stuff and my dad took my phone away. Maybe that might work for him." 

"Yeah... Maybe it might. But do you want me to stay and help out or?" Hiccup said as he had grabbed another slice of pizza. 

"You can if you want. I am not the boss." I said smiling before I had continued on my assignment. I know he is a bad boy, but he is acting very sweet on me. He is probably doing that to be a player... But he is sweet... 

I guess I might be going under his spell. 

[Hey guys! Here is a new chapter for you all! I hope you enjoy it! I know Astrid is crushing n him early, but you will find out later why I am doing it so early. 


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