Chapter 26: Jealousy?

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[Hey everyone! I am finally giving you the chapter! Guys, you have made by day yesterday. You guys got me to 10K reads! I thought that it would be impossible! Thank you all for the reads, votes and comments. You guys are such a lovely group of readers! Enjoy your chapter and hopefully seeing you tomorrow! -FH]

"Hi," Astrid said walking into the hospital room to see the 17-year-old boy sitting on the bed having his headphones on, blocking everything out as he was playing a video game.

"Don't worry about it Astrid... he has done this for a long time." Sam said before he walked up to the boy and had gotten his attention.

"Hey Doc," He grinned a little as he took off his headphones.

"Hey Matt. I am not your doctor now." Sam chuckled before he gestured Astrid to come over.

"This is Astrid Hofferson. But call her doctor Hofferson."

"Hello," He winked at her which had made the blonde roll her eyes as she grabbed the clipboard.

"Hey Matt, is that right?" Astrid said grinning a little.

"Yes, that's right."

"Can you stop checking me out for once and listen to me." She kept her grin before she had looked at the clipboard. "So, you have leukemia, right?" She asked and he nods.

"Do you have any symptoms yet?" She asked grabbing a pen out of her coat and clicking it.

"Yes, nausea and vomiting," He said as Astrid had written down his symptoms.

"Good to know."

"But, Matt... You do know this is going to be a lengthy process, right?"

"Yes... I know... but how hard is it going to be?"

"It can be hard on people, but not all," She said before sitting down on the bed beside him and had sighed quietly. "How do you know that?"

"I knew someone with cancer a long way back when I was your age... she was one of the best friends I ever had in my life. She died on her 18th birthday, but we did celebrate it with her over the day before she died that night." She sighed and kept looking at the keyboard.

"It hasn't been the same since, but you can grow out of it." She said before writing down on the clipboard again. "Wait, how old are you?"

"None of your business," She rolled her eyes playfully before getting up.

"But just make sure you keep having chemo, I reckon you'll make it." She smiled before she walked out of the room leaving the teen there in shock. Over the past year he has been in here, he had rude nurses, doctors, his family isn't coming as much... but now he found someone to talk to at least for the time being...

"He flirts with all the ladies here," Sam chuckled before the two of them had continued to the next patient. Well... this is getting interesting...


"Hey M'lady," Hiccup smiled as he was on his computer working with his phone on his ear.

"Hey handsome, how's your day going?" Astrid said sitting down on a rolling chair and eating her sandwich. It was about midday and Astrid was finally on her lunch break, so she decided to give Hiccup a call to see how he is going.

"It's okay... I wish you were here in my arms though." He chuckled while continuing his work.

"Aww, I know that Haddock. But I wish you were here to." She said as she took a bite into her sandwich.

"But, how's your day going?"

"It's going alright... I've seen three patients today... one was a young guy, he has cancer." She said. But on the other side of the phone, Hiccup had started to ball up his fists hearing the mention of a young man.

"How old is he?"

"He is 17 Hiccup."

"Oh..." He mumbled before his fist had started to go white.

"But apart from that, I have looked after him for an hour, just doing a check-up with the help of my assistant doctor for the time being. How is your work going?"

"It's going alright, but hearing your voice made my day M'lady."

"Well, it's good I made your day. But Hiccup remember what I told you with the business card, amp it up a little." She smiled but had looked at the time to see that her break was almost over and had frowned.

"Hiccup... I'm sorry, but my break is nearly over... I will be back home at 1 so I will hopefully see you then." She said.

"It's alright M'lady, I hope to see you then... Bye," He said before hanging up and put his phone down on the desk with an angry face. Why would he be jealous of a 17-year-old who has cancer? He will probably die... and Astrid wouldn't fall for him, right?

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