Chapter 18: Thank you...

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Hiccup was now driving home with Astrid in the care with a small smile spreads on his face. He still can't believe that Astrid had fell asleep in the movies and now he can see her beautiful face sleeping so peacefully. After a few minutes of Hiccup driving home, the gates had opened as Hiccup had entered the drive way and he had quickly parked the car just a few seconds later. 

"How was the movies Haddock?" Ethan walked out of the house with a huge grin spreading on his face as he sees his brother come out of the car. But as soon as he didn't see Astrid come out with him, his eyebrow rose in confusion. "Bro, where's Astrid?"

"Shes in the car, she fell asleep during the movie. She was probably exhausted." Hiccup said as he closed the door and had gone to the other side of the car. 

"Probably,  Hiccup, she is pretty busy all the time, maybe you should let her have a day off or something. I have noticed how stressed she has been over these past few weeks." He said. 

"Yeah I know brother, but Astrid has her exams in a couple of weeks, I think it is best for her just to relax." Hiccup said as he picked up her bridal style and had closed the door with the side of his waist before he walked over towards Ethan. 

"So what are you going to do with the sleeping girl?" 

"I am probably just going to let her sleep in my bed tonight." Hiccup said as Ethan opened the door for Hiccup. "But I bet you, you'll take advantage of her like you did to other girls," Ethan grinned as he closed the door. 

"I am not, perv. I know I did it in the past, but this one is special." Hiccup said looking down to the sleeping Astrid. 

"You may have found 'The One' brother, but remember... Don't date her until after she has graduated." Ethan reminded him before he walked off leaving Hiccup holding Astrid there. But it is true, he can't even date her until after she graduates from university. Hiccup had sighed as he had gone up the stairs heading towards his bedroom. As he opened the door he had walked in and had gone to the center of the room where his bed was and he had put Astrid on one side. 

'Shes so beautiful.' he thought while looking over to her, but hearing the door knock, Hiccup had looked up to see Stoick walk in with a frown spreading on his face. 

"Dad... Why are you here?" Hiccup mumbled as he walked away from Astrid and had walked out to the entrance of the room. 

"Hiccup, I just got a call from the renter of the Hofferson's household. He is completely scarred right now." Stoick crossed his arms.


"Hiccup... While you two were out at the movies, her father tried to kill himself... He is at hospital right now... You have to tell her tomorrow morning..." Stoick said.

"Why did he?"

"He couldn't take everything being taken away from him." Stoick sighed quietly before he had started to walk away from the door heading towards his room at the other end. 

"What are we going to do for Astrid?" Hiccup said. 

"I don't know... But we are going to help her. I owe her father big time for him helping me out after all these years." He said while turning around and had walked to the other side of the hall there, leaving Hiccup frowning. 

'I shouldn't have let Astrid go out tonight...' Hiccup had looked inside the room again to see that Astrid was in the same position which had made him sigh again. 'I seriously should have thought this through...'


It was early morning in the Haddock's household, the birds chirping in the trees and the mansion has a nice silent feeling. But for Hiccup it hadn't gone to well for his sleeping habits, all night he has just been staring at Astrid with a frown on his face. He actually thought that he was going to be excited to see that his crush was sleeping with him, but not now. He is so worried to see her reaction when she finds out about her dad. After a couple of more minutes of Hiccup staring at Astrid, she had stirred and her eyes had opened, but to reveal a nice comfortable bed. 

"WHERE AM I!" She suddenly screamed and had rose quickly, but turning around to see Hiccup staring at her, she had blushed slightly to see him beside her in the bed, but had started to get worried to see his eyes blood shot. 

"Your okay M'Lady... You slept in my bed last night," Hiccup yawned suddenly. 

"Okay... But Hiccup, why are your eyes bloodshot? You look like you haven't had any sleep." She said getting back into the bed and had gone closer to Hiccup. He sighed and rose before he grabbed one of Astrid's hands. 

"M'lady... I don't want you to cry at this..." He breathed deeply and continued. "The reason why I stayed up all night staring at you was actually because I'm worried..."

"About what Hiccup?"

"Astrid... Your father had tried to kill himself last night while we were out. I seriously feel so guilty that I took you out last night." Hiccup bowed his head in shame, but to see Astrid's eyes starting to water from what she had just heard, she had quickly given him a tight hug. Hiccup had looked shocked at him and had quickly hugged her back. 

"He is in stable condition though, so he'll be okay." He kissed her forehead. 

 "T-Thank you for telling me..." She sniffed as a couple of tears rolled down her cheeks. 

"No worries..." He whispered. 

[Here is the chapter that you have all been waiting for. I am extremely sorry for not ever updating it on Monday. I will try to update tomorrow, but Saturday is out of the question (maybe). But just keep in mind that school is important and it comes first. 

Enjoy your day/evening!



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