Chapter 17: Is It Valhalla?

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[Hey guys, here is a new chapter, but this chapter goes out to XxPinkSkyxX2 thank you for helping me with this small idea.]

Astrid and Hiccup had stopped at the front of the cinema just a few minutes after they had a nice drive and it wasn't awkward for once. While Hiccup had turned off the car and had jumped out, Astrid was still thinking about what was going on with her dad, seeing if he is okay or not still. She feels like she should have stayed at the house.

"Hey, you alright?" Hiccup asked opening the door for her as she took off her seat belt.

"I guess so, I am just still thinking if my dad is alright," She said. Astrid had quickly gotten out of the car with her purse before Hiccup closed the door and the two of them walk into the movie theater to see the food area with all the popcorn and candy you can find, then over at the other side there are little tills to get tickets.

"I haven't been to the movies in years, it feels so nice," Astrid said before the two of them walk over to the food to see what was there. "Why don't we grab a big popcorn to share?" Hiccup insisted. Astrid agrees to his agreement and the two of them grab one big popcorn while Astrid gotten a water and Hiccup got a sprite.

"I thought you weren't allowed sprites," Astrid said pushing him a little to the side and he chuckled. "Hey!" He chuckled before the two of them go up the till where a man in a red and white striped t-shirt with a bow tie was standing, with the badge name 'Ash' written on it with white capital letters. "Hello, what movie are you going to see?" Ash asked.

"We would like to watch the most romantic one that's on tonight," Hiccup grinned a little at the guy and he chuckled. "Alright, it comes up to $21.50 thanks," He said before Hiccup had grabbed the money and had paid for everything.

"Thanks," Astrid said before the two of them walk into the movies and they had looked down a huge hallway with huge numbers from 1 to 12 were shown. "Hiccup, which cinema do we go to?"

"We go cinema 12, M'lady," Hiccup said as the two of them walked more into the darkened hallway heading towards the last number.

"Mr Hofferson?" The house inspector yelled out as he kept walking through the halls heading towards the kitchen.

"Great..." She said as they walk into the cinema they needed to be in and they had gone to choose a seat.

"Jesus Christ!" He yelled before he had grabbed his phone and had called 911.

"Hello, what is your emergency?" A paramedic said into the phone while the man had tears rolling down his cheeks.

"I walked into the kitchen of a house to see a man on the ground who has cut himself in many ways and there is blood everywhere?! I need your help?!" He yelled

When they had sat down, the two of them had started to eat the popcorn that they brought and Hiccup chuckled. "Hiccup, so besides work and all, has anything come up?"

"Not really, besides something that's been on my mind for a while I guess," Hiccup explained.

"What is your address?" The paramedic had written down some stuff on the little white board he has on the knee of his uniform.

"42 Cove Street."

"Alright, were on our way," He said before the man had hung up.

"What's been on your mind?" Astrid whispered as the movie had started. Hiccup had looked at her with a small smile on his face, but had dodged her question.

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