Chapter 7: What's For Breakfast?

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I had woken up from my slumber, stretching my arms I had gotten up out of the bed and I had looked at my phone to see that it was 8am in the morning and I smiled. I finally had a sleep in. I had quickly gotten out of bed I had started to smell one of the best smells that you can smell. Bacon and eggs...

"Morning Astrid!" I had turned my head over to see that one of the maids had opened the door with a huge smile on her face as she had held some clothes in her hands.

"Are those for me?" I said smiling and she nods.

"Yeah! Hiccup had found out your liking of clothing and this morning he had found some of that in a closet, so there you go." She said passing them to me and I smiled widely.

"Thank you, but do I go down for breakfast before or after my shower? Because I am not used to this..." I said holding the clothes and pointing at the luxurious bed.

"The bacon and eggs were just put on so I think you should have a shower before you go down." She said before she walked out of the room and I kept my smile on my face. This is what I call paradise... I can get used to this...

"Hey Astrid." I heard a similar voice and I continued to smile to see Hiccup standing there.

"Hi, Hiccup." I said with a small blush appearing on my cheeks.

"Do you like the clothes I gave you?" He asked grinning and I nod.

"Yes, thank you." I said before putting them on the bed.

"Thank you for letting me stay, by the way." I repeated and a huge smile went on Hiccup's face.

"No worries, M'lady." He said kissing my hand before he went out of the room heading down towards the kitchen. 'Wow' I thought to myself.

"I am guessing our already under his amazing spell." Emily, one of Hiccup's maids said to me as she walked into the room.

"I don't know like I only just met him and with him kissing my hand it made me happy I guess." I mumbled quietly and she smiled.

"You know, he would usually just make out with the girl the first time he sees them. But not for you, I don't get why."

"Well, I don't know either, but maybe he just wants to be nice I guess." I reminded her before walking out of the door leaving Emily behind there smiling.

'Or maybe he has found the One' She thought to herself before she had started to fix up Astrid's messy bed.

When I went into the shower, I had felt the icy cold water hit my body and I had grabbed the shampoo sighing to myself. Why would Hiccup want to go for a loser nerd like me? I am only in this because of the father and he just agreed to her like one click of a finger. Is it only because he wants to make out with me like the rest of the girls? Or does he want me just to do the job? As I had scrubbed the shampoo into my hair I had kept thinking.

'Could he be the one?'

Na probably not.

A Few Minutes Later...

"Come on Astrid! You're going to be late for Uni!" Hiccup yelled as I had stuffed my piece of toast into my mouth before I grabbed my bag from where I had placed it last night and I had quickly ran over to the entrance of the house hold.

"I'm coming!" I screamed as I had came out of the household and I had gone towards his car and he quickly opened the door for me which had made me feel a little special. 

"Well, thank you Hiccup." I said as I jump into the car and Hiccup had quickly turned the key which had turned the engine on. 

"No worries, M'Lady." He said with a huge grin spread on his face before he had drown out of the drive way heading towards my university. 

[Hey guys! Yes, I know it is a very boring chapter! But don't worry, it will be getting more interesting soon! :)


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