Chapter 32: Thank You (Part 2)

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I was happy as I had walked down the hall towards Matthew's room, still thinking about that little boy who I just worked with. I am glad that he was cared as quickly as I thought he would be. But I do hope his doctor comes as quickly as possible.

"She didn't look like a nurse," I heard his father say to his wife as I walked past their room, and I had quickly leaned myself up to the wall, and I had ears dropped on the conversation.

"She looked like someone else," she said. "She is a doctor," Lyn said smiling as she had done the boys daily temperature.

"Wouldn't she have a busy schedule?"

"She does, but she likes to help anyone who needs it. She's one of the best doctors in this ward." Lyn said, and I smiled a bit."

"Well, that was really nice of her to help out our son... She seemed professional." I heard him say and I kept smiling. This is what I like to see, some positivity in this hospital. "Astrid, what are you doing?" I heard Elsa say from the desk and I walked up to her.

"I decided to eardrop. I heard them mentioning me," I said putting my arm sideways on the top of the table. (It's like a large marble table, the front basically covers the whole desk and the desk is on a lower height. If you go to hospitals you might get it, I don't know everyone's format). "Uh huh, Hofferson, get back to work." She said passing me a clipboard with some paperwork on it.

"Yeah, whatever." I snatched the clipboard off her with my sneaky grin on my face while she shook her head at me. After that, I had headed straight for his room to see it open and see a nurse doing his daily temperature.

"Hey Matthew," I said walking in and he looked over to me, smiling weakly. "Hey," He said after taking the thermometer out of his mouth.

"How are you feeling today?" I said walking closer to him before sitting down on the edge of the bed.

"Feeling sicker just like every day... just knowing that I won't make it much longer to be honest," Matthew said, looking at me with a frown on his face.

"You will get better don't you worry..." I said. "I even have an update for you..."

"What's my update?"

"Well... your tumour has shrunk over the past couple of months... I know you feel extremely sick, but though I think you'll be needing surgery to get it taken out of your body." I said, and I saw his face go into complete shock.

"Are you kidding?" He said, and I shook my head.

"No, I am not kidding." I said before I watched him get up and heading towards me before giving me a tight hug. "Thank you..." He said, and I had hugged back.

"No problem... You have a bullet of health coming your way. But after the tumour is out, were going to have to do four tests to see if it spreads. It's going to be a couple of week process but though it will be worth it after... Well hopefully anyway." I said, and he pulled back before sitting right next to me.

"Alright, but I hope they do go successfully."

"You will be right, I promise."

"Hey Astrid," I heard the nurse say from behind me and I turned to face her.

"What's up?"

"Can I chat with you outside?" She asked. "Sure, Matthew I will be back in a minute," I said getting up and I had walked out with her before closing the door. "Why did you take me outside?" I said crossing my arms.

"Hiccup is here," She said pointing over towards Hiccup and he smiled at me. "Hey M'lady!" He said walking up to us. "Hey babe," I said before kissing his cheek. "Is the plan sorted?" I said before I felt him put his arms around my waist.

"Defiantly. It's ready to go."

"Okay good, but where are his parents?"

"They are on the way to the hospital, I explained the plan to them and they agreed." He said, and I smiled. "Hiccstrid is getting real." Lizzy teased as she walked past, and I had stuck my tongue out at her and I heard Hiccup chuckle.

"M'lady, you need to be more mature then that," He winked at me.

"Oh, shut up," I pushed him off me and he kept laughing quietly.

"Hi Hiccup," I heard a young lady from behind him and he turned around. "Mr and Mrs Green! How are you?" Hiccup said to the couple. "Good! Were ready to surprise our son." Mrs Green said.

"You must be Dr Hofferson!" Mr Green said to me and I nodded. "Nice to meet you," I said before he shook my hand. "My name is Tom, and my wife is Isabella. It's so nice to finally meet you." He said.

"It's so nice to meet you to Tom," I said taking my hand back.

"Now, I want to see my son. Let's do this already." Tom said before I had lead the three of them towards Matthew's room. "Stay outside. I will note you when to come in," I explained.

"Alright then." Hiccup said before I had walked back in.

"What took you so long?" Matthew said as I had walked in.

"Well.... I have something to show you." I said sitting back down beside him. "And what is that?" He asked. "You guys can come in now!" I raised my voice a little bit before Hiccup had lead his parents into the room.

"Mum.... Dad...?" He gasped before the two of them had walked into the room coming closer to him. "I haven't seen you in years..."

"I know, and were sorry for that son, I had so much work and your mother had to come with me... I still can't believe that you lived by yourself at a very young age... I should have been a better parent."

"I don't care..." He said putting his arms out before the three of them had embraced. "I am so happy you're here..." He said before they had continued to hug tightly. "You did such an amazing thing." Hiccup said coming towards me and I had stood up.

"I am proud of it... and like I said earlier to Elsa, I love to see positivity in this place."

"Thank you, Astrid..." Matthew said pulling back from his parents. "How can I make it up to you?"

"Don't, the smile is all I really need."

"Your the best girlfriend a guy can ever have." Hiccup mumbled before he kissed the back of my head and I smiled at him. "I guess so...."

I really guess so.... 

{Well, this is rare for me to update after so long. I was going to end it in a chapter or two but I am deciding to keeping it going so you know how Matthew goes with the rest of his journey. But I hope you like the update. 

See ya soon :)


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