Chapter 15: Soniumserum

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Ok, so, I really love this fan art and this is how I envision James, Albus, and Lily. Enjoy!

"Alright," Rose slammed her hands down on the table in the great hall where I was eating, "I'll do it."

I looked up from my plate full of mashed potatoes and ham, "Don't do me any favors, Rose. You'll just resent me more than you already do," I said as I picked up my plate and began walking to the other end of the table.

Rose rolled her eyes, "I'm not doing you a favor, Lily," she began to follow me.

I turned around, "Then why are you doing it? For Albus? James? Oh no, I know who," I said and turned around again walking away from her, "You're doing it for Scorpius."

She grabbed me by the arm and whipped me around, "As a matter of fact, I'm doing it because it's the right thing to do... And Malfoy has nothing to do with it," I rolled my eyes and put the plate down on the table next to James and sat beside him.

"Rose, if you were doing it because it was right, you would have said yes the first time I asked," I said before turning my attention back to my plate.

Rose sat down beside me, trapping me between her and James, "God Lily! Just accept my offer to help, I'm trying to make it up to you."

Rose was never the sensitive type to feelings, that had always been Dominique, "Then I'd suggest," I stood up angrily, "Starting with an apology!" I said before attempting to stop away.

James had caught hold of my wrist without turning his attention from his plate, "Lily, sit down," He said pulling me back towards the table. I reluctantly sat down beside him.

"Now, Rose, why is Lily expecting an apology?" He asked turning his attention to my cousin.

Rose shifted uncomfortably under James's gaze, "I may have said a few things..." her voice trailed off as Albus approached the table.

Albus, who was sorted Slytherin and almost never stopped by our table sat down across from us, "Said a few things?" he asked clearly not amused by Rose's innocent act she pulled when she got herself into a jam.

"Oh, shut up, Al," Rose said turning back to James, "Lily knows I was joking," she said tossing her hair over her shoulder.

I laughed at the last remark, "Joking? I wouldn't consider your mockery, joking," I said stabbing the ham on my plate with my fork.

James's eyes widened, "Mockery? Why is this the first time I've heard about this?" James asked. James had always been protective of everyone in his family, especially me.

"Because I was joking!" Rose shouted.

"Oh, that's rich," I scoffed as crossed my arms over my chest.

Albus cleared his throat and glanced at me, "From what I overheard," he paused and then focused his gaze of James, "She said that it doesn't make sense for Lily to go around making up stories when you get just as much attention as the prime minister," Albus paused as James looked confused.

I turned and summarized everything that I could about the situation I was in through a whisper directed into his ear. James apparently understood most of it as I had told him about the headaches and dreams before, just not every detail. James turned his attention to Rose, "Lily isn't making this up Rose," she said his voice stern as if he were scolding a small child.

Rose sighed, "I know that now," She said clearly annoyed that she was being reprimanded.

"But I wouldn't consider that to be exactly mocking lily," James said and Albus interrupted.

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