-ˏˋforty two:suspiciousˊˎ-

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After I gave Gerard what "no one else" could give him, we sat in the car for a while, simply enjoying each other's company after the steaming events that had just taken place. We finally got dressed eventually and headed home, having to discard both of our hoodies in the backseat because...well, they weren't clean at the moment.

We drove to his house and he went inside first while I called my mom to ask her if I could stay the night.

"Is everything alright?" she asked as soon as she picked up the phone.

"Yeah, everything's good," I said, letting out a sigh of relief at the truth of that statement. "Sorry for running out like that."

"It's ok, as long as everything is ok," she said and I loved my mom at times like these even more for not being nosey.

"Is Maribel still there?" I asked.

"Yeah, she'll be leaving in a bit."

"Can I stay the night at-"

"I figured you couldn't wait," she laughed, not letting me finish. "And yes, of course, you can."

"Ok, thanks Ma."

"You're welcome. Bye, baby."


I hung up and went inside. Mikey and Gerard were sitting in the living room, Gerard gathering the stack of comic books that he'd taken out earlier.

"Hey," Mikey greeted me when I walked in, "all is good in the world of Frankie and Gerard?"
I laughed and nodded.

"You know for someone who is disgusted by our relationship, you sure as hell do everything you can to make it work," Gerard said, smiling at Mikey.

"Oh, shut up, don't get all cheesy," Mikey groaned, but there was a faint smile on his face. "Plus, if you guys break up, you'll like fall apart. Then I'll have to pick up both your pieces. Then I'll have to keep my brother and my best friend separate. Then I'll, like, go into cardiac arrest from the pressure I feel from both of you. Then I'll die. I'd rather live."

"Right," Gerard laughed.

I rolled my eyes at Mikey's way of basically saying he liked the fact that Gerard and me were together. That's as close as he would ever get to admitting it. I sat down on the sofa next to him and wrote on my phone, "So what happened with Alicia?"

Mikey immediately started blushing and I couldn't contain the grin on my face. Gerard peered over my arm to see what I had written Mikey and then looked up to see Mikey's reaction.

"Oh my God, you guys did it!" Gerard exclaimed.

"Well, it was, and we...yeah," Mikey laughed and looked down.

"In my car?!" Gerard yelled and then looked at me and winked. I blushed and looked down, hoping Mikey hadn't caught onto that.

"No!" Mikey shrieked, his voice cracking like it always did when he got louder than usual. "We weren't even planning on doing something like that. I just took her to the drive-in. She loved it, she was so excited. And then we went out for a late dinner. And then I took her home, but it was really late already, like almost dawn, but her parents knew our date was far so they didn't freak out when we got home. They were leaving for work, and she said to go in and get some sleep. I agreed, we were hanging out, and then yeah. Stuff happened."

He was looking down the whole entire time, his face redder than I'd ever seen it for as long as I'd known him, and the smile on his face was huge.

"Damn, go Mikey!" Gerard said, patting him on the back. "How was it?"

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