-ˏˋforty four:be a heroˊˎ-

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trigger warning: violence, mention of rape

While we were running towards our destination, I grabbed Mikey's shoulder, suddenly remembering something.

"What?" he panted, stopping.

"We can't...go...without shit," I panted.


"If Shane has Gerard, how the fuck do we defend ourselves?" I asked, already looking around the area we were in for some sort of market to buy even a knife, because we just couldn't go empty handed. I had been planning out in my head how the events would take place, and it hit me that we didn't have any sort of weapon.

"Fuck, you're right," Mikey said, also looking around.

"There's a store over there," I said, pointing to a rundown gas station. "They probably have a pocket knife or something."

We hurried in there, Mikey found a couple switchblades and bought them for us. We put them in our pockets and started on a run towards our destination.

I thought about the knife in my pocket. I had never stabbed anyone, or even thought about it. I hardly even physically injured anyone at all. Would I be able to actually cut through someone's skin? I'd only cut through my own...

Then I remembered what Shane wanted to do to Gerard. The way Shane drove a wedge between Gerard and me. The way he made Gerard feel by telling him I talked. Anger suddenly became the only thing I could feel and at that moment, I thought it would be fucking easy to use this knife on Shane.

We were running for a couple more minutes when we finally reached out destination. And the address that Joseph had given us was to a center for storage units.

"There's a number," Mikey said, "that's probably the storage unit that Shane is at."

He pulled out his phone and read off the number, and we made our way down the long rows of storage units, looking for that one.

The buildings looked old and run down. The paint was a sick beige that just looked like it had turned to mold over the years. The metal doors were a faded shade of red. It looked like the perfect spot for a horror movie, and the perfect place for my worst nightmare to be taking place.

"This one," Mikey said under his breath, stopping in front of one of the storage units. It was shut, but not locked. I gulped and Mikey and I nodded to each other before both of us reached forward and helped lift the heavy metal door up. Once it was off the ground, it slid right up like a garage door.

"Shit!" a voice reached us before the sight did. Once the light of the sky illuminated the inside of the storage unit, it took all I had not to charge in there and grab Gerard.

Gerard was on a chair, his legs tied by the ankles to the legs of the chair, his hands strapped behind his back, and his torso bound to the back of the chair with a rope as well. He had a cloth over his mouth, and his head was lulled to the side, like he was only half there. There were candles scattered around the large storage unit like it was some sort of romantic date. The sick bastard in charge of it all, Shane, stood inches away from Gerard's chair and his eyes were wide when he saw us.

Mikey and I were ready to just run in, grab Shane, and save Gerard, but before anything else could process, I saw a gun pointed straight to Gerard's head, and held by Shane.

"Get inside and close the fucking door or I will shoot," Shane threatened and without a second thought, Mikey and I stepped in and pulled the metal door down and shut.

We were now in the dimly lit storage unit, with only the candles serving as light. My heart must have stopped; there was no way it was still beating with a gun being pointed to Gerard's head. The tears had overflowed my eyes and were running down my cheeks.

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