Chapter 3

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A month of crying, moping around, breaking things and fighting had gone by. Harry was a mess. He was a complete and utter mess ever since his own boyfriend decided to ruin their friendship, their relationship and betrayed him in the worst way possible. He forgave him. He really did. He could never hate him, even though he so wanted to. He wanted Louis to feel how terribly his heart hurt, but he knew that wouldn't happen, because he didn't care about Harry anymore. Harry was depressed.

He spent the first two weeks crying and refusing to eat, causing him to lose a few pounds. The fact that every single website, tabloid, social media platform was full of articles and pictures about Louis and his, new, girlfriend didn't help his situation at all. The fans were more than supportive of their relationship than he would have expected them to be, while some of them couldn't accept that their favorite 'ship' had sunk. The mean comments he saw that called Eleanor names made his blood boil in anger, since he knew their fans were better than that. He was so grateful to receive thousands of supportive and sympathetic messages himself and that made him feel better an stronger. Last but not least, the boys and his family were on his side. Especially, Liam.

Liam was currently driving Harry to Harry doctor's, because after a month of not eating properly, he had started vomiting almost daily and he complained about his stomach way too many times for Liam to not notice. Harry was scared, but he was glad Liam convinced him.


"Mr. Styles, I'm going to get your results and you can wait in my office." Dr.Evans, the fittest doctor Harry had ever met, told him and left the room. It only took him a few minutes and he returned, holding a faded yellow envelope. The fact that he told Liam to wait outside almost made Harry feel like he was dying.

"Harry," He started. "I can call you that, right?" He waited for Harry to nod before speaking up again, "Alright, Harry, have you ever heard of the possibilities of male pregnancies before?" He questioned and Harry froze in his seat.

"I've heard about that a few times in my life, mostly in biology at school, but what does that have to do with anything?"

"I'm going to say this right away and you can ask me everything you want right after. Harry, you are pregnant." Dr. Evans revealed and Harry was in shock, his eyes wide and his mouth open.

"I-I don't understand. " He mumbled, his whole body shaking.

Dr.Evans informed him that his internal system was mixed with a few female organs. His mother's conception was of twins, but his sister died before she could develop into a fetus. He already knew that his parents were informed about this since the day he was born, but they only gave him a possibilty of being able to carry children of a 2,5%. He never thought it was possible and he had actually forgotten about that until his doctor started questioning him and checking his medical record.

It turned out he was two and a half months along.

He and Liam arrived home and he told the boys instantly and even called his parents and Gemma. He didn't want to go through that alone and he needed support. Emotional support. They were all worried about him at first, but in the end, they were ecstatic. The boys were already fighting about who was going to be the godfather. His mum also pointed out that even though he wasn't eating, his belly had started forming a small bump when they spoke through facetime.

He felt giddy and happy. But mostly, anxious.

There was only one thing left.


He was the father after all, but Harry decided not to talk to him until he had reached the third month mark. He would never force a relationship or a pregnancy on him and he needed to think before anything.

Louis on the other side was living in his own little world with Eleanor. They almost lived together now and he had already met her parents. They both felt like their bond was growing stronger and Louis felt like he was falling in love. He was falling again, while trying to forget all about his ex boyfriend.


He had missed Harry a lot, he couldn't deny it. He knew he had forgiven him, but Liam told him that he didn't want to see him for a while. It wasn't that he would choose Harry over Eleanor anymore, but the boy used to be his soulmate. He couldn't get over him just yet, but he had to. It felt easier when things with Eleanor were going perfectly well.

Zayn and Niall helped organize a surprise for Eleanor that night. She had called, saying that she would be home soon. She stopped working at the jewelry shop a couple of weeks ago and had decided to start her training as a nurse. Louis was proud of her, even though she put in a lot of effort and came home exhausted most of the time.

When he heard her unlock the door, he ran and placed his hands over her eyes. She gasped and he carefully guided her into the house.

''What are you doing, Lou?" She laughed.

"I've got a surprise for you, babe." He said and took his hands off her eyes.

"Wow. You did all of these for me?" Her eyes widened as she noticed the decorated living room. Flowers everywhere and a small table in the middle of it, a bottle of wine and two glasses on top.

"What are we celebrating, Lou?" She asked as he hugged her from behind, wrapping his arms around her slim waist and kissing her shoulder.

"Us." He turned her around and begun kissing her beautiful lips. His hands were soft on her love handles and Eleanor was melting into him. "I love you, El." Louis confessed and pecked her nose.

"I love you too, Lou." She smiled widely and pulled him in for another kiss. They made love that night and it finally felt like it meant something more. It was more passionate and it wasn't just sex anymore.


This chapter is edited.

I hope you like it! Keep in mind that Eleanor is a character of a book, no need to hate on her.

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