Chapter 25 (Last Chapter)

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*5 months later..* (A/N : every time I write something like this it reminds me of Spongebob :P )

*Harry's POV*

Four months of touring and one of a break, here we are in mine and Louis' apartment , celebrating Louis' birthday. Our families and friends are all here. Things have change to the better.

Eleanor is three months pregnant and she and Blaine are engaged and totally in love with each other. Zayn and Perrie are planning their wedding for the summer but not a baby, because of their jobs. The Niam couple adopted a little girl a month ago and believe me when I say that, if I wasn't in love with the baby girl I'm expecting, Susie would be my addiction. She has dirty blond long hair and wide blue eyes like Niall's. She is only 4 years old but she is smarter than any kid in her age. Sophia gave birth to a baby boy two months ago and then left. We are still in touch but because of her moving to US, it's more difficult for us. Of course Liam said to Niall about the paternity test after he proposed to him.

As for me and Louis, we are like we just got married. JJ is nine months old and he started saying a few words like 'Ni-Ni' for Niall , 'Zuzu' for Zayn and 'Li-Li' for Liam, but 'dad' and 'daddy' are not in the list. Louis is so upset with this fact and he already stop trying to get him to say it. I , personally, don't mind. He is still a baby and i'm glad he even says whatever he can. Oh! He also likes hugging my big seven-month belly, even though he can't understand what a sister is.

"What are you doing here alone, baby ?" Louis asks softly as he comes inside our bedroom.

"I'm just thinking." I say and he sits beside me on the bed.

"What about?"

"About all the changes of our lifes and how happy we finally are.." I say and lean into him.

"Aww" He jokes and I smile.

"It's Christmas Eve Haz! You have to come downstairs. "  After a few seconds of silence he says and takes my hand to lead me downstairs in the living room. JJ climbs off Jay's lap and runs to us. Oh yeah, he can walk too.

"Daddy" He says clutching onto my leg and Louis turns to look at me with wide glossy eyes.

"What did you say baby?"  Louis asks and picks him up.

"Daddy.." He says pointing at me. "..Dad" He continues pointing at Louis.

"Oh my God" I cry and hug him and Louis. We hear a click and the next thing we know is a crying Jay is showing us a picture of our moment.

"You are so cute guys!" She says wiping her eyes and we laugh.


*two months later..*

*Louis' POV*

Harry had his c-section an hour ago and our baby girl is healthy and gorgeous. She hasn't even open her eyes but her face is exactly like Harry's when he was a baby, so if she has his eyes I will not be surprised. Not that I mind.

"Lou? Harry is awake" Blaine says and winks. I nod thankfully and leave.


"Haz?" I call him as I open the door and he smiles sleepily at me.


"Did you see her?" He asks leaning into me after I sit down next to him.

"Yep, she is a minor clone of you. I haven't seen her eyes but when Eleanor brings her here we will see them together."

"I hope she has yours" He says and I kiss his curls.

"Yours Harry. If we want to complete the similarity. " I laugh and he shakes his head.

As if on cue , Eleanor walks in with our baby girl in her arms. She gives her to Harry and takes some papers from the table next to us.

"Have you thought of a name? We have to complete the papers." Actually, me and Harry have decided the name since two months ago, but we never said anything to anyone.

"Adelaide Rose" Harry says and Eleanor smiles.

"It's so beautiful guys!" She hugs us both goodbye and leaves.

"I love you so much baby.." I whisper and nuzzle my nose with his.

"I love you too" He kisses me softly and tiredly , but he puts all of his emotions in this, like I do.

"Hey! I came to... Oh sorry" Blaine says and I groan.

"What is it with you interrupting every kiss we share after a huge moment?"  We laugh but then his expression turns serious.

"I have some bad news boys." He says and we look at him worriedly.

"Harry here is a male and have been pregnant twice. So, because of many reasons you won't understand, there are hardly any more possibilities of him making more children. I won't say there is none, because there is a 7% that he could do it."

"I don't mind. I really don't mind. If he can't it's ok. We have two perfect children and that's enough for me." I say and Harry mumbles a 'thank you' as I kiss him.

"Phew.. I thought you would be disappointed and I felt bad.." Blaine sighs in relief and I shake my head smiling.

"Don't worry ...and thank you so much for everything you have done." I say and he sends me a smile before leaving. A loud crying noise makes me look down to see Adelaide looking to Harry with tears on her tiny face. What impresses me though is that her eyes are the same colour as JJ's. Both emerald green and light blue.

"She is even more perfect" Harry whispers.

"Happy Birthday Haz"

Our family is perfect and even if Harry can't carry more kids , it won't stop us from being perfect.


Last Chapter Guyyys:((

My first story ever ends here:( Only the epilogue left.

So, what do you think??

I didn't even reach half of my goal in the previous chapter but I don't mind...I loooove you and that's why I updated.


I might post the epilogue tomorrow:)

No goal for the next update but pleaseee comment and vote :)

A &quot;Happy&quot; Life - Larry (Mpreg)Where stories live. Discover now