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You woke up on the ground in the middle of the woods. You get up and look around but all you could see is trees and bushes.

You started to get worried and scared. You felt so confused and asked your self 'what happend?' Suddenly all the memories  come flooding in your head.

"So your finally up" a voice said. You looked side to side but saw nothing. You wanted to ask what was going on and who's there but you couldn't even make a sound.

"You must be confused. Ill tell you this. If you can find at least 10 pieces of paper with drawings on them in 2 minutes then you'll live. And if you fail then you'll die. Got it? Your time starts now" the voice said.

With that you ran. You ran till your legs became tired. You then stopped and looked around. You wished you were home. Not in the middle of the woods playing some sick twisted game.

You looked around again but this time you see a paper on a tree. You did not want to play the game but it does not look like you have a choice. 'Its this or death' you thought to yourself.

You ran around and collect most of the papers, you just needed one left but you could not find it.

"29 seconds left" the voice said. You started to look for the last paper frantically.

"11...10...9...8..." the voice started to count down. You felt overwhelmed. You looked up and was about to give up but then you see the last piece of paper stuck to a branch.

"6...5...4..." you ran to the trunk of the tree. And reached the branch. You then got on top of the branch and walked to the end of the branch trying to stay in balance.

"2......" you jumped to the paper. You snagged it before falling to the earths floor. "1" *thud*  "oow" you moan.

"Wow...im impressed. You made it" the voice said. You closed your eyes and sighed in relief. "Need help?" You opened your eyes to see a tall boy with a  Orange jackit on and a white mask with famine features. Black eyes and lips. And his hair was a chocolate brown.

You hesitated but took his hand that he held out for you. He pulled you up without much effort. "Im masky and thats hoodie"

masky pointed to another tall boy behind him. Hoodie had a yellow hoodie and a black mask that had Orange and yellowish frown and eyes. He did not say anything or even waved he just stood there. "You made it, so now we need to show you to Mr. Slenderman"

Roses In Blood (Ticky Toby Xreader) Where stories live. Discover now