Chapter One

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My mother's unremitting shout of my name made me jolt up from my peaceful slumber.I rushed out of my room like someone was pursuing me and headed to her room which was just a few steps away from mine. Even when I reached her door she didn't stop shouting my name.

"Na'am Mama" I replied panting because I had to run from my room.

"You're becoming lazy Safaa,didn't I tell you to sweep the compound,your father will have a visitor later"

"Mama but I just came back from Islamiyyah" I whined.

"You came back two hours ago Safaa,go and do what I asked you to do"

"Ughh,I don't even like Kawu Sunusi,he's always grumpy" I complained.

"Does sweeping have to do with you not liking him? Come on go and sweep right now"

"You won't even bribe me today?" I pouted.

"Ikon Allah,Safaa don't let me stand up,leave my presence this instant" My mom said smiling.

Ever heard of a person that's an epitome of cheerfulness and complacence?

Well that's My mother.

I tried changing the topic but later accepted defeat and grudgingly began sweeping the compound.

My father's elder brother,Sunusi is a rich magnate,just a mere look at him will assure you of that.He has an aura of richness and authority.

He's that kind of Uncle whose company you won't like..

Except if you think of yourself as worthless,because he only likes people who fall on their knees seeking his attention.

Kawu Sunusi and my Dad are the only children to my grandpapa Abdulfatah.

My father Abubakar isn't rich and we still live in our hometown,Rigar Dala in a two bedroom flat.He does have a good educational background,my grandpapa made sure of it,but after a lot of attempts at seeking a job,he decided to opt for business.He sells fabrics,both for men and women and with that he's able to cater for all our needs.

I don't like Kawu Sunusi because of three reasons.

1. He thinks money is everything and he's so greedy.

2. He thinks he's superior and thus treats people like shit.

3. He is in a good position to find a better job for my father but No,he always want my father to be under him,to go seeking for help from him when in distress.

I can vividly remember one incident where I heard Kawu Sunusi talking in hushed tones with his friend during one of his visits and the only thing that caught my attention was what he said about my father.

" Abubakar is my brother and also our Father's favorite.You know I can get him employed somewhere nice,but I want our father to keep seeing his favorite not succeeding,to see his fav always running for me when he has monetary issues and thus making Abubakar see himself as a failure too"

And I don't like that,I hate to see my dearest father thinking of himself as a failure.

Kawu Sunusi's family have never come to Rigar Dala,he's the only one that visits and that's once a year.His second wife Aunty Mariya is a kind woman though,she keeps in touch with my Mama on phone and always asks of me.Kawu Sunusi have six children but I don't know any one of them except in pictures shown to me by Inna,my grandma.

I was enrolled in school with Baba's small scale business and little help from my Uncle who gives after a lot of complain.After finishing my primary school education,I got a scholarship at Bright Academy,a very prestigious school set up by a British man in Rigar Dala.I did my secondary school there and am now currently waiting for admission into the Katsina State University.

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