Chapter Sixteen

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Hajiya Turai's POV..... again 😄

In Alhaji Sanusi's compound everything happens the way I want it to,no one has a direct access to him unless my kids and I.My co wife stays in the house for no purpose for he has no feelings for her anymore.I made sure of that,you can call me a person smart as a fox,very sly,cunning or whatever but I never regret the things I do and my principle is never to take No as an answer from people that aren't my class.

My heart contricts painfully when I remember that the wedding of Ahmad to a classless woman is about to happen soon.I did everything possible to stop it but nothing seems to stop the wedding.My husband has given up,He wants me to let our son be.

But I don't give up,that's a word I detest a lot since secondary school.

When I almost ran out of ideas,a conniving one came to my mind and without the consent of my husband or the cognizance of my co wife,I left the house and asked the driver to take me to Rigar Dala after warning him about saying a word to his master.

"Hajiya the road is a bumpy one,I hope you won't be disturbed" Micheal said taking the route to the village.

"I have been there once,but you know what?" I asked an idea coming to my evil mind yet again.

"No Hajiya"

"I think it's not a good idea going to the village with this car,it's too flashy,where can you get me a car for hire Micheal?"

"I can get you a car right now Ma,In fifteen minutes"

"Alright then"

We waited at the route for exactly fifteen minutes before the car arrived.I dismissed Micheal telling him not to let anyone hear about where I am before ordering the driver to take me to the village.

"But Madam you fit pay 15,000 Naira o" The driver who seem to underestimate me said.

"Hey listen,Just take me to the village,don't undermine me,I will give you 100k"

"Chaaiiii my Madam o" He exclaimed almost dancing.

"Nonsense just drive me there" I scoffed trying my best to hold my laughter.

Within two hours drive we reached the village and after asking several people for directions,we got to locate the house I came to look for.


Safaa's POV...

Our wedding week is already here.Mama keeps making me take medicines which are from the Islamic centre because they're still afraid I might faint again or the spirits might try to stop the wedding,Granny kept telling us about a lady during their time whose jinns refused to let her get married and how they keep killing her husbands when they did allow her get married,at the end she married seven husbands and died a divorcee.

Inna makes sure she's around when Mama gives me the medicine and I quitely oblige to avoid her non-stop complaints,but I know am okay though Inna keeps saying the ones affected with spiritual problems do not even realise it until they're told.

Abidah and her Mommy have arrived some days ago and I welcomed them heartily.Abidah is now chubbier and she looks fresh,my heart tells me she's pregnant but I didn't voice it out,I know she will tell me eventually.

"Safaa you're so stubborn,just look how cute Ya Salman and his bride look,you refused to take pre wedding pictures and here you are insisting you don't want any event" Abidah complained snatching the slice of Mango I was about to put in my mouth.

SafaaTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon