Chapter Forty Two

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The doctor discharged Safaa from the hospital after making sure she's okay.He informed her about the need to come for check ups once in a month and then twice a month when her baby begins to develop fully.Safaa is a kind of person who dislikes taking her medicine when she's sick,so he also told her about the dangers of abandoning medications halfway and bid them adieu.

Ahmad was with Safaa each step of the way albeit what her Mama told them days ago and he made sure she regained all her strength by feeding her lavishly.He helped Safaa's Mama with their little luggage and came back to the room and walked Safaa to the parking lot.

"We are going in my car right?" He whispered making sure her Mama didn't hear him.

"Safaa you're coming with me"

Her Mama had no smile on her face when she said that so Safaa didn't even get the chance to give him an answer,she reluctantly walked behind her Mama and entered her car.

Safaa began sulking but smiled minutes later as she watched the driver taking the route to her home,the home she shares with her beloved.She inwardly thanked Allah for making Mama change her mind,she's tired of all the ruckus in her life,she just wants to be with her husband,they'll be able to come out of every storm together by the will of her Rabb.

"Saminu take the left turn" Safaa's Mama ordered him sternly.

And the left turn and the route to her husband's house are completely different.

"But Maa..." Safaa began protesting but the way her Mama glared at her made her stop.

She knows better than to defy her Mama,Her mother can be so easy going and patient but when she makes her a decision when angry she never backs out of it.

Ahmad followed them breathing sharply trying to steady the way his heart was beating.He believes Maa loves Safaa so much that she won't do something that will hurt her but it seems she's determined.When they reached the house of Safaa's parents,he parked his car and descended from it in a jiffy trying to catch up with Safaa and Mama.

Ahmad wanted to tell Maa that they should've taken Safaa back home but he didn't,he followed them in and made sure Safaa was settled comfortably before he began to talk.

"Maa I thought we'll return home with Safaa from the hospital" He said not meeting his mother inlaw's eyes.

"I'm sorry Ahmadu but this is her home,I hope you'll understand that"

"But Maa she's my wife"

"I know but I already made up my mind,now if you guys will excuse me I'd love to go and check how my maid is coping with cooking dinner" She said and left the two of them staring at each other.

Safaa felt so emotional when she looked at her husband,he looks so vulnerable and she felt like hugging him until he's back to his old self,her Yaya Ahmad,the one who smiles even amidst difficulties.

"Hey stop that" He sat beside Safaa on the sofa and wiped her tears.

She had no idea when she started crying.

"I...can't...." She hiccuped burying her face on his chest.

"Shh it's okay I get it,Mama is angry,she'll come around" He kept stroking her back in an attempt to calm her tears.

"You don't know Maa" She sniffled wrapping her hands around his neck.

"Yeah but I know she loves you,she will change her mind for you,Take care of yourself for me,I will call you every minute,I love you so much Safaa" He tried to smile,a smile that didn't reach his eyes.

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