Chapter Fifty One

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Each word uttered at the meeting were like razors to Safaa's wounded heart, they pierced through it like a dagger ruining all the hope she had that her family would be united again. She knew her love story with Ahmad was not meant to be completed but she wanted her father and his elder brother to be in good terms. She hated the fact that her marriage was creating a chasm between them.

Some days after the meeting Ahmad came back to her father's house to patch things up again, but she told him she wanted to be on her own, she was not capable of taking the pain no more, he left yet again with a broken heart.

Minutes after he had left, Abidah barged in with the same aim, to convince Safaa to go back to her brother's house but found her packing her things, getting ready to go and stay with her Mama's relatives.

" Safaa " Abidah smiled sitting next to her on her king sized bed.

" Ummu Shuraim" Safaa smiled too, a smile that did not reach her empty eyes.

" Are you not telling me where you're going? " Abidah asked when she saw the bags containing Safaa's things.

" Err I don't want to tell you really, because you'd tell your brother"

"And you don't want him to know?" Abidah cocked a brow.

" Unfortunately, Yes "

" Safaa what are you? Where did you take my cousin who's a fighter?" Abidah smacked her playfully.

" She's still here, but not as a fighter now" Safaa managed to smile not letting the tears fall from her glassy eyes.

" Why are you doing this? I mean why are you leaving Yaya Ahmad when it's so obvious you're hurting"

" Because I can't, Ya Rabbi..." Safaa face palmed herself.

" You can't what? "

" Let's just stop talking about this please" Safaa begged leaving the bed.

" Alright as you wish, but you know you can't go away without his permission right, you're still his wife"

" Well Abidah guess what? He said I should go and that..." Safaa sniffed.

" And that? "

" He'll let me go after I give birth, He was so mad at me, why can't you all just understand that the pain I go through is way too much than the love? " Safaa walked into her closet trying to hide her tears from Abidah.

" I'm so sorry, when did he told you that? " Abidah followed her.

Safaa chuckled and deliberately began arranging her shoes in another bag.

" He left some minutes ago and well I guess that's it, eventhough it is so painful, our marriage is like this now because of your parents, my Uncle Abidah, can you imagine? Why did I even let myself fall in love with your brother, when I knew it might someday get to this, It's all my fault" Safaa sobbed going back to her bed.

" Don't say that, it's not your fault" Abidah went after her and sat beside her on the bed.

" Well whose fault is it? I just hope I'd  be able to move on, I need to move on" Safaa sighed.

" I don't want you to leave" Abidah smiled sadly.

"Well I promised Maa I'll come back when my baby is two months old" Safaa laughed patting her tummy gently.

" You're crazy, You know that right"

" If craziness is leaving your brother, then yes I am crazy" Safaa rolled her eyes at Abidah making her shake her head amusingly.

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