Chapter Thirty Seven

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❤❤This chapter is for my one and only,my ride or die,my munchkin,my crazy pal,my love,my saucy babe ✌Yuseeskoo 😉😉😉😉😉

Happy birthday Habibtee...
Yanzu kam become a good girl kinji?? Allah ya miki albarka.

I love you lodi lodi😍😍😍😘😘😘

Now Let's try my POV today😄😄

Zarah can handle everything on earth but not being treated as unimportant.She was heartbroken when Ahmad left saying he won't sleep in the same room with her.How can he just leave her to sleep all alone on their first night? Is he dumb or something? He's a married man and he's very much aware of how things are done.Zarah didn't try stopping him because she wouldn't want him to feel like she craves for his presence.

She's too classy to be the one clinging to him and he knows that.

She cannot tolerate his bullshits so she called his mother.Hajiya Turai is the only one who can always put some sense into his stubborn head.

"Zarah why are you calling this late" Hajiya Turai picked the call after a ring.

"Maa your son left me" She faked a sob just to trigger Mama's anger.

"What do you mean by my son left you?"

"He's sleeping in the next room"

"What rubbish?" Hajiya Turai fired.

Ahmad shouldn't be acting like a weakling,Hajiya Turai  knows he is just afraid of that stupid wife of his,she threatened to denounce him as her son yet he refused to let go of the love he has for the worthless girl,it baffles Hajiya Turai so much that she now believes Safaa has bewitched her beloved son.

"I am all alone in the room,Mama what is wrong with him?" Zarah sniffed.

"Go to the room and give him the phone" Mama ordered.

Zarah stealthily got off the bed and walked to the room next to her own but found it empty,she impatiently checked all the rooms but still didn't see him and then it dawned on her that maybe he's with his wife.

"He's not here" She informed Mama.

"I'll get back to you Zarah,just calm down"

After ending the call,Zarah resolved not to just wait and let Mama handle things for her,now that she's in the house she will do things her own way.She grabbed a small veil from her closet and headed outside.

"Hey you old hag" She called the gateman when she reached her front door.

"Sannu Hajiya" The old man scooted.

"Where is my husband?" She carelessly regarded the man.

The gateman amusingly looked her,she's not even older than his last born yet she's treating him like a piece of trash.The first wife is always kind to all the workers in the household,she has so much respect for them and her non belligerent attitude made them all adore her.

"I saw him going to Hajiya's side" He answered shaking his head.

She furiously stormed to Safaa's side,she found the front door ajar and helped herself in without even a Salaam or knock.

The hushed voices of Ahmad and Safaa coming out from one of the rooms stopped her,they left the door of the room ajar too and she briefly heard him asking for forgiveness before storming out of the apartment in the same manner in which she got inside.

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