Chapter Thirteen

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We are always advised to respect and honour the decision of our parents since birth but I just can't agree with my mother about moving on without Safaa.What baffles me is that,both my father and mother were not born wealthy but here they are busy loathing on the less privileged.

Should I just move on and please my Mama?

But what if she keeps doing that to me?

Stopping me from having what my heart desires?

I paced my room in profound reverie trying to figure out what I can do about our relationship because even if Safaa is letting go of our love,I can't let go.

I changed my casual Tshirt and pants and wore an off-white Kaftan complementing it with a cap.I took my shades because my eyes looks like some sorta ghetto before taking my car keys with the intention of visiting my grandfather.I have no idea which road will lead me to Rigar Dala but I got there with the help of my google map some hours later.

"Assalamu Alaikum" I greeted the first group of men I met sitting near a tree.

"Wa alaikassalam" They answered in unison.

"Sannun mu dai(Good day), please am asking of Alhaji Abdulfatah's house?"

"Ohh Malam Habu's father?" The one who seems nice asked.

"Baban shegen nan dai(Oh the father of that arrogant man)" An arrogant dude among them added.

"Moudu are you nuts? Just shut up and let Isma'il talk if you will keep making rude comments" Another one chirped in.

"Sorry please,I will show you his house,I'm Isma'il" The nice one offered.

"Thank you so much,we can go in my car,I am Ahmad" I smiled walking to the car.

"I've never been here you know,Safaa is right,it's not really a village" I laughed starting the car.

"Safaa as in Safara'u? You know her?" He asked a bit suprised.

"Yes we're cousins"

"You're Alhaji Sunusi's son then? Your grandparents came back from town some hours ago though,didn't you meet them?"

"Yes I am his son,You know Safaa?" I asked ignoring his last question.

"Ofcourse I do,but she has not been around since when that issue with Moudu happened" He answered.

"Oh so that one acting rude is the Moudu?" I asked cocking a brow.

"Yes He is"

And then we continued talking about random stuff and getting to know each other before we reached my grandfather's house.

"There's the house" He announced.

"Thank you so much Isma'il" I smiled parking my car.

He smiled and left.

"Assalamu Alaikum" I said going inside the house.

"Ahmadu? Is that you am seeing? Don't tell me you're already missing me" My granny said when she saw me.

"I wasn't missing you old woman,You know who am missing" I smiled sitting on the carpeted floor.

"Useh,You're not even ashamed" She chortled.

"Ina yini?" I greeted her with a smile.

"Lafiya lau (fine) Ahmadu,mutumiyar naka tasan kazo ne? (Does the one you came to see know you're here?)"

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