Chapter Sixty One

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A day after her baby's delivery, Safaa was discharged from the hospital. Ahmad was with her throughout her stay there and when it was time for her to go back home, he drove her back to her father's house and stayed until night, never leaving her side. Yusrah brought tranquility and serenity to their entire lives, the brawls between the two families were long forgotten as everyone's attention was on the newest addition of the family. Alhaji Abubakar's house became more lively as it bustled with loved ones coming to congratulate Safaa.

Abidah being the closest to Safaa and the one who claimed to be the baby's godmother never failed to visit since day one. Safaa was seated in her room all alone after her agonising morning bath, she had been complaining about motherhood already, the baby slept all day and when it was time for them to sleep at night, she would open her innocent eyes and demand to be in someone's arms. Safaa felt sleepy so she trudged to the her closet to get dressed, hoping she would get some sleep before Abidah and some visitors arrive. She wanted to room to be dark so she switched off the lights of the room and closed the curtains before lying on her bed. She closed her eyes with a smile on her face but a voice interrupted her intended sleep.

"Oh Ma shaa Allah, Yusrah is so cute, Safaa let's make am exchange, I give you Shuraim and you give me this angel"

She opened her eyes and adjusted them to the lights, Abidah had already drew the curtain up, holding the sleeping baby in her arms. Safaa smiled staring at Abidah as she kissed the baby uncountably. Safaa had been with her new born baby for just seventy two hours but the baby had already brought immense joy to her heart, the feeling she got when she looked at her was always euphoric.

"Don't eat my daughter up" Safaa teased Abidah before turning her gaze to the other visitor who came in with Abidah.

It was Na'eelah, Salman's wife, a person she had spent years without seeing.

"Iyyee, Safaa you're not even shy, wai my daughter, by the way how do you feel? " Salman's wife grinned taking the baby from Abidah.

"Elated, Alhamdulillah" Safaa grinned and they continued to talk about stuff which had to do with motherhood and babies.

"Aha, We didn't talk about something? How was your delivery? I can't even believe you didn't take time, considering the fact that you're always afraid of it " Abidah asked amidst their conversation.

"I told Mommy she should have encouraged you to become a journalist" Safaa rolled her eyes.

"What? I just know am more courageous than you, and I took time before giving birth Shuraim" Abidah pouted.

"Alright, my delivery was smooth, I was surprised too, I wouldn't say it was not painful but Alhamdulillah it was not like I thought"

"Ma shaa Allah, Bring a sibling for Yusrah next year then" Na'eelah winked.

"Hell Nah, Let's not even talk about that" Safaa shrieked.

Na'eelah prayed for the baby and left minutes later, saying she had somewhere to be.

They walked her to her car and when they came back to the room, Safaa told Abidah about what she had been dying to discuss with her.

"Did Mommy tell you about your Daddy's sudden change? I am sorry but I had no idea he could be this caring"

"Ouch, so you're calling my father a heartless man on my face, Daddy is a wonderful person, believe me, it was just Hajiya Turai's instigation that made him change to something else" Abidah glared at her playfully before placing the baby back into her cot.

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