Chapter Sixty Three

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Fadwa abruptly opened her heavy eyelids and then closed them again because of the brightness of the room, she batted her eyelashes and opened the eyes slowly this time. She peeked through her dark lashes trying to decipher the kind of surrounding that she was. She had no idea what she was doing there but when the events of the previous night came rushing into her mind, she began panicking and though her eyes were half open, she tried getting off from what she was laid on.

"Calm down Baby sis" Salman's voice stopped her.

"Ma..." She began with an itchy throat so Shukrah grabbed her cup of water and gave it to her.

They both scrutinized each move she made and when they were sure the cup of water had somehow revived her and made her calm down a bit, Shukrah began asking her some questions.

"How are you feeling?"

"Sore but I'll be fine" She weakly smiled.

"In shaa Allah" Salman added.

"You don't have much wound, You sprained your ankle and then your hit your head a bit" Shukrah explained.

Fadwa silently listened as they narrated to her everything that happened, she remembered all of it, except for the part where she was unconscious. She wanted to ask them where their mother was, because she could not bear seeing her walk through the door or come close to her, thinking about it was already making her panicky.

"Stop staring at the door like that, Mama is in a place where she wouldn't hurt anyone for now, In shaa Allah" Salman intruded Fadwa's thoughts as if he was aware of what was going on in her mind.

"Your fiancé visited" Shukrah grinned to lighten up the atmosphere.

"And he saw me this way?" Fadwa asked her eyes as wide as saucers.

"What's wrong with seeing you this way?" Salman chuckled.

"I'm a mess" Fadwa blushed face-palming herself.

"You're not serious" Shukrah giggled and they continued chatting in order to make her forget about the incident that threatened their inner peace. Salman left minutes later saying he had somewhere to be, Shukrah knew he was going to see how their mother was doing hence she did not probe.

She was trying to feed Fadwa after they had chatted enough when Ahmad and Safaa walked through the door, looking like the perfect couple that everyone well except for Hajiya Turai wished they were. Fadwa smiled with teary eyed when Safaa held her cold palms, she could not even imagine the kind of heart the woman possessed, because after everything she still was able to smile so radiantly.

"Don't just stare at me like that, You're making me teary-eyed too" Safaa smiled.

"Thank you Safaa" Fadwa croaked.

"Hey why are you thanking me, How are you feeling?" Safaa asked.

"Sore" Fadwa chortled.

"You'll be fine in shaa Allah"

"In shaa Allah, and where's my baby?" Fadwa asked stretching her arms to reach for the baby who was sleeping peacefully in her father's arms.

"I brought you lunch, Yaa Ahmad told me your favorite" Safaa said before exchanging pleasantries with Shukrah .

Ahmad walked to Fadwa's bed, gave her the baby and stood some steps away from them, Fadwa cooed smiling adoringly at her little niece, she was so lost in her thoughts when Ahmad called out her name.

"Fadwa are you okay?" He asked carefully taking Yusrah from her arms and handing her to Safaa.

"Well..." She sniffed.

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