Chapter Fifty Eight

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"Subhanallah, Walhamdulillah, Lailaha illallah Wallahu Akbar...

It's the best way to purify your heart and know you'd be loved by the merciful one........" Maher Zain.

The distance from Alhaji Sunusi's house to his parents was a fifteen minutes drive, He entered his car and impatiently kept tapping his palm on his knees waiting for the agonising minutes. When the car halted at the gate of the house, he sighed not seeing a crowd or anything to comfirm his fears. He rushed out of the car, dragging his heavy babban riga with him, the first person he saw was a heavily pregnant Safaa, coming out of her own father's house, her eyes swollen and pufffy. She hurriedly came to him, scooted a bit and with a very hoarse voice, greeted him.

"Safaa, how are you?" He answered heading inside the house.

"They are not here, they are all at the hospital" She hiccuped wiping her tears.

"Hospital?" He asked with a shaky voice.

" Yes, please take me with you, Maa refused to go with me" She pleaded using her Hijab to wipe her tears.

"Can you tell me what happened?" He asked when they got inside the car.

"I don't know Kawu, I just heard Maa having a phone call, I think something happened to Baba" She wept.

"It's okay, Everything is fine in shaa Allah, just calm down" He consoled her but deep within he was trying his best not to break down too.

What if something terrible had happened to Abubakar?

Thoughts kept flooding into his mind and he had no idea when they reached the hospital, Safaa called his name and brought an end to his reverie. They walked side by side to the hospital, Safaa watched as he asked questions and at last they were led by a nurse to a room. When they walked inside they saw her father sleeping peacefully with a bandage around his head, Baa and Inna were seated on a sofa, their eyes all on their beloved son.

" Ya Allah, What happened to him?" Alhaji Sunusi rushed to the bed scrutinizing his brother's face.

"They had an accident while coming back from your house" Baa stared at his eldest son squarely.

"Inna where's Maa?" Safaa asked her grandmother when she sensed Baa was going to have a serious talk with his eldest son.

"I told her to go and pray, You will find her at the Masjid" Inna answered and Safaa nodded before trudging out.

Baa kept staring at him, making shivers run down his spine, Alhaji Sunusi had never seen his father looking so angry, he moved to where his parents were seated and dropped on his knees, with his hands folded, he felt like a monster knowing he could have lost his brother, the person he did not even regard just an hour ago, he recalled old times, how his brother adored him and made him his mentor and how he could sacrifice everything for him, he realised how horrible he had been to his family.

"Baa find it in your heart to forgive me" He pleaded holding Inna's hand.

"I always pray for you Sunusi, Alhamdulillah you've realised your mistakes and I hope you won't go back to being influenced by your power or wife, I just want my son back and I have forgiven you" Inna smiled.


"Don't" Baa cut him off.

" Please Baa" He begged.

"Now won't you let me talk?" Baa raised his brow and continued.

" I can forgive you Sunusi, but what about the damages that you've caused? The damages that Turai has already done? What about Safaa? What about her feelings?"

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