Chapter Sixty Six

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You must be tired of my excuses...

This is the last chapter before the epilogue In shaa Allah...


Zarah held her breath, trying so hard to control her erratic heartbeat, she had been counting the minutes it'd take until her father summon her to his living room, Ahmad had consented to her wishes, he was ready to let her go and surprisingly she felt nothing but peace, like some heavy weight was lifted off her shoulders. She smiled remembering the good old times when she and Ahmad would stay up late at night, telling each other how they wished their future would be, naming their unborn kids and painting a perfect life with each other oblivious of what destiny had in stored for them. A knock on her door brought and end to her reverie, she asked the person to come in while nervously throwing a veil around her head.

Her mother came in, with a sullen look and sat beside her on the chaise lounge. The mother took Zarah's damp hands, her eyes speaking millions of words to her before she managed to utter some after a couple of minutes.

"Zarah, Are you sure this is what you want?" She asked her and Zarah nodded.

"Has Ahmad arrived? Did he get so see Daddy?"

"He did, Go to your father's living room now, he wants to see you"

"Okay" Zarah smiled, reassuring her mother before walking out of the room.

She walked to her father's living room, reminiscing the past yet she felt no remorse, inwardly she was so grateful Ahmad considered her decision, when she salaamed upon reaching the living room she didn't expect to see Ahmad, she thought the "he" her mother meant was her father.

She sighed sitting on the sofa opposite to Ahmad's before calling his name, he was too engrossed with his thoughts that he didn't notice her presence, she scrutinized him for a while, he was disturbed and he had his face buried onto his palms. She understood what he was going through, He was feeling like he had cheated her coupled with the fact that he was deeply concerned about Hajiya Turai, but he was just being too stubborn to go and see her.

"Yaya Ahmad" Zarah called out his name.

"Huh? Sorry, when did you come in?"

Zarah smiled before answering him and he became quiet, trying so hard to think of a way he can begin.

"So you called me? I thought you're going to talk with my dad" She rolled her eyes at him making him smile sadly.

"Zarah, I don't know how to begin explaining how sorry I am, For misunderstanding you all these years, for not listening to you..."

"Well you've got to fix the issue of not listening to people you know, there's always another side of the story" She cut him off.

"I know Zarah, just shush and listen to me, you don't ever keep quiet do you?" He chuckled.

"Alright I won't say a word anymore" She said leaning on the sofa.

"I don't know what type of a person I am, I've hurt two precious jewels, you and Safaa, I wish you could change your decision so I'd set everything right, I am sorry for being a monster Zarah, for hurting you, Forgive me"

"I am the monster here Yaa Ahmad, I broke your happy family, I am responsible for the pain Safaa went through, she nursed her first pregnancy without a husband and it's all because of me" Zarah sniffed.

"I understand what you feel Zarah, I'm still sorry"

"You don't understand okay? How do you expect me to live with that kind of guilt? What of my conscience? Do you think if I go back to you I would be happy? I'm grateful you've accepted my decision, you have no idea what it means to me, and I promise you I'd be happy seeing you living a happy life too" She smiled wiping the tears that kept cascading down her cheeks.

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