Chapter Eighteen

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Safaa's POV..

At dawn I woke up with a terrible headache and Inna attributed it to the jinns,insisting that she's sure they might trouble me today.I prayed Subh and ignored her uninterruptible talk,thinking I won't get bored or pissed because of it.

"Inna will you please stop it,I am having a headache because I slept late and I cried a lot last night" I complained at last.

"Kayya,you're never going to believe me,I know that"

"Whatever,I will be in my room if anyone's looking for me" I mumbled and dragged myself out of my Mama's room.

I stared at my bed and began feeling nostalgic,curling up on it like a foetus, I closed my eyes to sleep once again before the onset of yet another bustling day.My eyelids closed against the dim light of the room,my breathing relaxed,I was totally at peace like a new born.I began dreaming,a beautiful and serene one,my mind blocking out all the dangers of the real world,but a disturbing tap on my arm kept intruding my dream.

"Safaa wake up" Abidah screamed.

"Mtsss" I hissed drawing the quilt to cover my face.

"You really have to wake up" She said calmly.

"Okay am awake Adda Abidah"

"You can call me whatever,here Mommy gave me this humra,you're to bathe with it and that I should tell you to be fast,you have to get ready before people start arriving" She said grumpily.

"Are you okay?" I asked her now fully awake.

"I am" She answered sitting next to me on the bed.

"Pregnancy hormones" I snickered. 

"You're not funny" She rolled her eyes.

I took the humrah,quickly had my bath  and as soon as I dressed up in my all white dashing dress,the make up artist set to work.

"Mashaa Allah Tabarakallah,see how my daughter looks ravishing" Mommy commented upon entering my room when the artist was just adding some finishing touches.

"Thank you Mommy" I blushed.

She went outside and came back with my Mama,who's dressed elegantly too,she had a bit of heavy make up and I can swear Baba will fall in love with her all over again once he sees her.

"My Baby" She sat close to me and took my henna adorned hands in her own.

"Maa" I whispered letting a tear slip from my eyes.

"Safaa don't be a baby and spoil your make up" Abidah reprimanded me.

"Let her cry,I bet they are tears of joy and am 100% sure nothing will happen to her make up" The cheerful artist chirped in.

"Okay,cry all you want,your Nikaah is in 30 minutes" Abidah teased sticking out her tongue at me.

"Maa I don't want to get married anymore" I sniffed ignoring Abidah.

"Don't be silly" my Mama smiled.

"Maa I am afraid" My voice came out muffled with sobs. 

"Ya Allah,this girl is so spoilt" Shatou shrieked.

"Call I don't want to" I hiccuped.

"Our home is also your home,Safaa can you stop all this drama,last night I heard her telling Yaya Ahmad that she can't wait and now she's putting up a show"

"Kai Abidah and Aisha leave this room" Mommy shooed them away and together with Mama,they consoled me until I stopped crying like a baby.

Our wedding Fatiha is just outside our house,so when the knot got tied,it was as if we were all there.Yaya Ahmad sent me a text almost immediately and I replied before some of my friends including Abidah began singing a popular song we do sing at Rigar Dala when it's time for a girl to leave her parent's house.I have no idea where Abida learnt the song but her voice's the most high pitched amongst all of them.

SafaaOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant