Chapter Twenty Eight

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How can she poison his mother when she can hardly even kill a fly,Safaa never attempts killing something that breaths.

She rarely uses insecticides and Ahmad is well aware of that.She needed someone to talk to,so she tied her disheveled hair into a bun,wrapped her veil round her head and took her car keys,the only one that will listen and suggest a solution for her in this terrible situation is Abidah,so she drove straight to her house.

"Why did you keep knocking like that,You startled me" Abidah rushed to the door and unlocked it for Safaa.

"I'm sorry,Abidah na shiga uku" Safaa sniffed.

"What again?" Abidah asked dragging her to the living room.

"They are claiming that I poisoned Mama,how can I do that?"

"Innalillahi wa inna ilaihir raji'un"

"I don't know what to do,How can I begin explaining myself to him? I swear I didn't put anything in her tea"

"Yaya Ahmad is something else sometimes,How can he not know what you're capable of doing and what you're not,you guys have been married for almost five years now"

"Help me" Safaa hiccuped.

"I will call Ma'aruf,he needs to put some sense into his friend and we need to go to the hospital and check her up"

"How can I face them?" Safaa panicked.

"Safaa please,stop panicking,You're innocent and Allah will always be with you even if the whole world is against you" Abidah tried calming her down.

"You have no idea how I drove here,I'm totally losing my sanity,Ya Rabbi"

"Calm down,let's go" Abidah announced after giving orders to her Maid to take care of her little boy.


"Tell this monster to leave my presence" Hajiya Turai yelled the moment Safaa and Abidah entered.

"Calm down Mama please,You are still weak" Ahmad begged trying to stop her from getting off the bed.

"It's either she leaves or I will" She yelled again trying to get up.

"Abidah take Safaa away from here" Ahmad ordered his sister without even having a glimpse of his wife.

"But Yaya..." Abidah began but he stern look shut her up.

"Now" He bellowed.

Safaa stood rooted at the place she's standing,staring at her husband like an alien.He looks angry yet s fragile,he's torn between choosing to please his mother or believing his wife.Right now almost all of the trust he has for her had gone away.

"Safaa leave" He spat taking her wrist firmly.

He walked her out the door and Safaa attempted nothing,her words are all caught up in her throat,she's forgotten about what's happening until the pain of his grip became unbearable for her to handle.

"You're hurting me" She whispered letting a lone tear fall of her eye.

"Don't come near her,ever" He said grounding his teeth.

She snatched her hands away and walked away making sure to cast him a disbelieving look one last time.

Is this the man she got married to? She thought before crying her heart out sitting on a desolate bench outside the clinic.

"Ah we meet again" A masculine voice startled her and she quickly wiped away her tears.

"Assalamu Alaiki" He said sitting next to her making her shift a bit.

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