Chapter Fifty Five

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When Ahmad reached home, he got out of the blood stained cloth and had a long shower, thinking about how messed up his life was just because he wanted nothing but to please the person who gave birth to him. He had hurt two precious woman in the process of making his mother happy and he blamed himself for everything. He prayed and went to bed without even eating, sleep deserted him and he only tossed and turned in his bed, feeling lost and broken. The Adhaan for Subh brought an end to his thoughts. He had his bath immediately after coming back from the Masjid and drove to the hospital Zarah's father told him they'd moved her.

The hospital was eerily quite when he entered, he nervously walked to Zarah's room and the sight he saw made him more heartbroken. She was all alone staring into space, probably wishing she had not married him.

" Zarah " He called her name sitting on the visitor's chair next to her bed.

" Hey " She croaked and silent tears began falling from her eyes like waterfalls.

" I'm sorry " He begged holding her hands.

" Ya Allah, stop making me feel so guilty, Am supposed to apologise to you, please forgive me "

" Your Mother told you about the baby right? " He attempted changing the topic.

" Yeah " She whispered.

" I'm sorry " He apologised yet again.

" Won't you stop apologising, I want to tell you something, come sit" She tried getting up but winced.

" Let me help you, where's Mama by the way? " He asked helping her up.

He placed a pillow on the headboard of the bed and carefully made her lean on it

" Thank you, Mama went home, she'll be back" She smiled weakly.

" She left you all alone?"

" Yes because you were coming, I even thought you guys will meet"

" How are you feeling Zarah "

" I still feel pain, but I'll be fine in shaa Allah, I want to tell you something"

" You're too weak to do that, why don't we talk when you're all fine and home?" He smiled playing with the ring on her finger.

" Your home won't be my home anymore Yaa Ahmad, please listen to me" She pleaded.

Ahmad nodded and listened as she told him whatever his mother made her do. She told him how they manipulated Safaa's visit to a hotel with Tahir and a lot of other things Hajiya Turai instigated her to do.

" The truth is, Safaa went there to help him talk to his wife" Zarah finished sobbing uncontrollably.

" Safaa told me about it " He whispered engulfing her in a warm hug.

" Yaya Ahmad " She croaked, her head resting on his chest.

" It's okay Zarah, I'm sorry for being a jerk, for not listening, for hurting you, for everything"

" I can't stay married to you, my conscience won't let me, I promise I'll get you back Safaa, no matter what it takes, You'll let me go right?" Zarah asked.

" What are you saying? " He slowly placed her back on the pillow and stared at her perturbingly.

" You heard me right" She sniffled.

" No, I can't do that"

" Please do that, I cannot be happy with you anymore " She begged clutching his hands.

" Ya Allah, what do you women want me to become? A maniac? Why would you all ask me to let you go" He panicked massaging his temple fiercely.

She stopped him from doing that and bravely informed him again.

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