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"The two most important days of your life are the day you were born and the day you find out why"

-Mark Twain-


Third Person P.O.V

As soon as the college season is about to start, Odette applied to the same university where Diego attended at, she manage to get a minimum amount of scholarship in the psychology major with a minor in English, the opposite of Diego who gets a full drive scholarships thanks to his clever brain, and he still holds on tight to his decision about getting in a pharmacy major with a minor in biology.

They manage to attend the same college which takes a while from their neighborhood, still on the same state in the U.S, but still, they have to rent a decent sized apartment if they do not wish to be late to college every single time, and sure, the university itself has provided a dormitory room for the students, however, thanks to Diego newly rediscovered  family, they manage to pay for an apartment rent nearby.

Since both of them now can have a side work, it helps a lot for their basic everyday life like groceries and dates, because they do not have to spend the money their parents give (Being Asian and Latin with caring parents come with this benefit)

It's pretty easy for the couple to manage their time between study, work, fun, and romance, for they live under the same roof, they are getting more mature than usual, obviously, it's going along with the age reason.

And the exciting part is that, they are going to stay together on the same place, and to be more specific, on the same room, causing Odette knows exactly how Diego looks like without his shirt on as they wake up on the same bed every single morning. And even though Odette is not much of a naked sleeper, Diego is the opposite kind and he prefer to have his skin directly touching the sheet and for the sake of morality, he keeps his pants on while sleeping, but that cannot hide his now even well built body. Perhaps his experience in Brazil surrounded by healthy and fit looking people drive him to live an even fit lifestyle, he also has been getting an even deeper golden tan on.

What else could be said about this couple ? They are already having their own fun, and it's enough to make the people who know them jealous of their relationship.

Meanwhile for Tobias, he eventually carries on, and instead of getting into college, he chooses to get a private business training because he is determined to take over his family business, and Tobias has changed slightly, he still has the gentleman presence on him, but he gets slightly more narcissist, perhaps it's due to the shock of Odette's rejection, he is a good man at heart, but a man his type simply doesn't handle any sort of rejection.

And he has been desperately trying to get Maya back, who obviously is still pissed off with him. Maya realized that Tobias is the kind of guy who can easily do whatever his loved one desire, maybe it is due to his nature, and Tobias has to handle Maya's dominating attitude toward him. Maya still loves Diego, somewhere in her heart, and even though she is greatly disappointed, she knows only misfortune would occur to her if she keeps on pursuing him, especially now that Diego has such a power, that is why instead, she wraps her fingers around Tobias mind, as a replacement for Diego, and she realizes, Tobias is much easier to be shaped to her heart content.

But again, that is a part of the consequences of loving someone. It has to be done that way, if Tobias truly desire her.

Besides, they make the perfect couple, two rich people with the opposite kind of desire, one is to be loved generously, and one to give a conditional love.

On the other hand, Amy moves to another state to continue her college and this time she is the one in a long distance relationship with her boyfriend who has decided to stay on the same state, and she is taking the accounting major while her boyfriend is going into a basketball school to pursue his passion for it. It is still unsure if the relationship will last long especially with the ups and down they have been experiencing but there is nothing impossible, right ?

And for Zara and her group, well, mean girls will always be mean girls. Like the fishes on the pond that has a sudden opening to the sea, they will most likely get eaten by a shark, but who knows, maybe with their parents money, they can at least survive on the real world.

As for our dearest Rocky Ricky, he is currently taking an engineer degree, and for the first time in forever, he finally finds someone on Canada, a shy and sweet blonde woman named Carriah, a pretty uncommon name and spelling, but I guess it was love at the first sight, when he found her working at a town cafe. But Ricky will always be Ricky, the guy with a good sense of humor and slightly Emo appearance without being an emo, and Odette is happy for him when he told her about it through Skype, but Ricky will always be Odette favorite guy best friend, and the same goes for him.

Well, I guess that is everyone's story, eh ?


Odette wakes up from her sleep as the ray of sun goes inside her apartment room. She tries to adjust her sighting to the light and begins to slowly moves her body and take a seat on the bed.

While still half asleep, she looks at the alarm clock besides her and see 7.00 written on it. She moves her hands toward her hair and slowly turns her head to look at the beautiful figure besides her. Her lips form a beautiful smile and no matter how long it has been this way every morning, she still can't believe that she has this man sleeping beside her.

She moves her face to gives him a good morning kiss as he is still asleep and tries to leave the bed to make breakfast, but when she is about to do so, a hand grabs hers and pulls her closer to him.

"Diego, so you are awake, huh ?"

"One more minute" he mutters slowly.

"Well, we have to get ready soon, college starts in 90 minutes, don't forget that we have to take a thirty minutes ride there if there is a traffic jam, come on, we only have an hour to get ready.

He opens his eyes and slowly sits on the bed.

"Fine, but I need a wake up kiss first"

Odette rolls her eyes playfully at his statement, as she leans in closer to give him a quick peck on his lips.

"There, now wake up"

"Odette, that wasn't a kiss, now, here is a kiss" he says as he leans in closer and begins pressing his lips on hers.

He starts moving his hands on her face, and she wouldn't pull away either.

It appears that the kiss is going to last for a while.

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