Dancing In The Rain: 6

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As I left the Duncan house, I was happy because, one, those are the two easiest children to take care of, and, two, I got $24 for only working two hours and thirty minutes. I pressed the elevator button to get to floor six and stepped into an empty elevator. The Duncans live on the third floor. The elevator stopped on the fourth floor, and a boy who must have been my age stepped into the elevator. He glanced at me and stared down me, then smirking.

"Hey." The boy said. The elevator beeped and I got off and looked behind me, only to see that the boy was still following me. I began to worry. Mummy said, if there are stalkers near you to keep walking and they'll eventually leave.

I finally gave in and turned around, to talk to him "Umm, why are you following me?" I asked him. "I'm just going to my apartment." I stopped when our door to the apartment appeared. He kept walking. But only one door more.

"Looks like we're neighbors." And with that he opened his door and slammed it with no hesitation. I rummaged through my bag and pulled out the keys to the apartment and unlocked the door. Mummy and daddy were sitting at the table. Daddy was reading the newspaper and mum was reading her latest romance novel by Danielle Patterson.

"Mummy, daddy, I am going to bed. Goodnight." I was turning around to head to my bed room when daddy called me, and told me to stop.

"Wouldn't you like some dinner? You must be starving, honey." I wasn't hungry at all though. "I had some grilled cheese with fruits and veggies at the Duncan's house, daddy. I am very tired." Daddy did not look satisfied. Though he sent me off. I walked into my bedroom, and put the money I earned from babysitting into my savings drawer. I glanced over at my bed. It was messy because I forgot to make it in the morning.

I walked to the bathroom and took a shower. Afterwards, I brushed my teeth, and washed my face. I pulled on my favorite pair of pjs and ly down on my bed. I thought and thought about what life is like for Caitlyn.

I always thought she would become a doctor or nurse because she is good aroun people and has a lot of patience. She can also work with people, sometimes I can get annoyed with them at tiny things. Not Caitlyn.

I looked at the alarm clock and noticed that it was ten to midnight. I knew I had to get up early tomorrow for my second day at the diner. I fell asleep as soon I thought about when Caitlyn used to live here, and we'd spend our days playing together. Now it is very lonely. Well, not anymore because of the work I have been doing.


When I woke up the next morning, daddy was sitting at the table with his glasses on. He was filling out what looked like a medical form. Mummy was on the phone, her eyes puffy red. She had a tissue in her hand and must have been talking to her friend, Julia. They have been best friends ever since they lived in England.

"Is something wrong, daddy?" I asked. He didn't look up from filling out the paperwork. He just shook his head and waved his hand to me. I hoped nothing was wrong. I rolled my bike to the ground level and rode my bike to the diner. I parked it in the storage room.

The diner would open in ten minutes, so I walked to the bathroom and changed into my uniform. I placed my new pens in the right side pocket.

Walking to the counter, I noticed that the the whole dining room was empty. Missy, Gabby, and Chloe are the only three working the first shift with me. When I got to the counter, I grabbed a notepad to record the orders.

As soon as I was fully prepared for the day ahead of me, the doors opened and a line of customers tromped into the diner. Gabby and Missy were the first to grab customers. I waited until they were filled and started my round of customers.

There were a lot people coming in for breakfast, there were large families, couples, and people coming in all by themselves. People would have all kinds of food. There were some children who would order pizza and burgers. I was never allowed to order that kind of food just for breakfast. Ech time people would leave, they'd all leave tips that would add up at the end of the day. I always had to have a peppy attitude to people, which was very hard because I can get so very shy around people I don't know.

Finally, when it was finally time for my break, I walked over to the grocery store down the road. I bought a pizza sub from their Subway in the back of the store. I bought a can of lemonade also, and sat in their food court. I ate in silence and thought of a million different reasons on why mummy was crying. There were so many possibilities.

I also thought about how lucky I was because of all of this freedom I was getting. I could go to work, and ride my own bike alone.

When I finished my sub, I threw away my trash and headed back to the diner. The waitresses working the lunch shift were finishing up, so I walked to the front counter and Nya show me how to use the register. She went out to wait on tables while I took her place on the register. People would walk in, I'd give them a buzzer. When a table became available, I'd buzz the buzzer for the first person in line. They'd get seated, and then, I'd see them leave.

When the lunch shift was coming to an end, the girl working the register for the night shift came in and relieved me. I decided to start early. Seating three families and getting them their drinks. Getting three more, and repeating the cycle.

For three hours I did the same cycle. Quickly, there came a huge amount of people. Drinking alcohol was all they were doing. We'd give them a time and spot at the bar and other people would wait. When people finally left the bar, you would not believe the tips they'd leave. I had made so much money after the shift, I wasn't sure what to do. I could almost buy whatever I'd like.

I rode my bike home, only seeing bits from my headlights. When I got to the building where I lived, the nice doorman opened the door and I walked to the elevator where I hopped on and pressed the button to the sixth floor.

I heard a dig when I arrived on the sixth floor. I saw a bubbly drunk girl enter the elevator. I thought she said something, but couldn't understand any of it.

The ding went off and I basically ran to the apartment. I rummaged through my bag to find my keys. It took me so long, and eventually, the guy from the elevator yesterday popped out.

"Hey, what you doin' out here so late?"

I ignored his smart remark and just pulled the key out of my bag and opened the door. I rolled the bike into the room and saw a note sitting on the dining table.


Mummy and daddy had to go help out grandmummy. We'll be back as soon as possible. Do not worry. We'll call as soon as possible.




It was real dark where we were and it defenetly not somewhere I wanted to be at the moment. It was a deep ally. There were garbage cans blocking our way. I soon found out that the garbage cans are actually just doors, that of course were rigged.

I was pulled through the door under my will. I tried to wiggle my way out when I got control of myself but was caught off guard by one of Brian's friend.

The guys unloaded all of the loot and stashed it into what looked like a secret living space. You had to crawl to get in, but could stand once you got inside. Which I had to do when the guys were ready to head inside. When I got in, there were a few others guys.

But what made me want to scream, was that there was another kidnapped girl in here. She had bleach blonde hair, and crystal blue eyes. If you looked into her eyes, she looked terrified. She defenetly could not hide her fear.

I saw her easily untie the ropes and attempt to run away. Which made me feel worse because one of the other guys beat her real hard. The boys pulled me into another room, and I found nine other girls. I looked at Brian's eyes, as if to say, Why are they here?

Brian did not answer back.

I was real scared.

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