Here We Come, England: 4

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Hi there my wonderful readers! This chapter is dedicated to my ol’ friend katelym4 for always being there. She’s read all of my stories and I felt really bad when I discontinued The New Guy because that was her favorite story.

And, she’s always managed to drop by and leave a vote and comment. Plus, she was my second fan, well, the first one was from one of those accounts who just fan everyone on Wattpad, so she was the first TRUE fan I have had! :D So, yeah!

I’d also like to thank Jessie bear to go out of her way and edit this chapter for me! :D She’s an awesome friend and I don’t know what I’d do with out her!

Vote, comment, fan. The usual! (Please!! I gotta a working thumb now! :D Lol, you laughed, right?)

Chaper Four: I am the Brownie Queen

Dear Diary,

            This is kinda awesome here, as I must say. But I really don't care. Caitlyn and I are ready to protest. I should be unpacking right now, but I don't because what's the point because as soon as Mum gives up, we'll be shipped right back to America.

            The moving guys FINALLY, and when I mean finally, they stopped and chatted with dad for six freakin hours. Mum got all ofherstuff unpacked.

            So, you're probably wondering how we'd pack and unpack so quickly. We used to live in a super small apartment, so we don't have as much crap as our neighboors. 

            We have only been here for, hmm six hours and we have already recieved dozens of cookies and brownies from neighboors welcoming us into the neighboorhood. 

            Well, I can hear mum coming down the hall to scream at me for not unpacking. 



            "Phoebe, dear, come on and start unpacking, honey. And choose which side you want. The movers are brining Caitlyn's bed down."

            "Smh. I have started unpacking, hence the bedding." I signal my unmade bed.

            "You know that's not what I meant."

            "Really? You never told me." 

            Mum left the room, finally. I started to push mybed to the right side, away from the window. Man, do wondows freak me out. I mean, kidnappers could easily break through the glass and rape me for all I know. 

            There was a knock on the door. I still had to check incase it was Brian's evil English twin. 

            "It's me, Caitlyn."

            "Well, you can come in."

            The door knob twisted and two HUGE dudes carried the bed frames and two other smaller dudes carried the mattress in. 

            "Just put it here." Caitlyn pointed to the left side of the room. 

            When the bed was placed and those guys finally left, Caitlyn pulled out her bedding, also. 

            And once we both were lying down, we did what we always do when we're in the same room together and don't feel like using our mouth. We started to text.


Hey Phoebs


Hey Kate


I hate this house.


It's quite interesting. 


Yuppers. I like it but don't love it. When should we start our protest?


I dunno, Phoebs. Maybe tomorrow. I brought brownie mix and I hear that there is a supermarket down the block.


Let's do it sis. 

            And so we finished our first texting round. We got off our bed and Caitlyn dug through her purse and pulled out a recipe. I like makimg brownies from a box. But, Caitlyn enjoys making brownies from scratch.

            "Mum, we're going to the supermarket. And NO we are not getting you anything."

            She didn't reply, thank goodness! We both hopped on our bikes and pedalled our hearts out and got there in thirty seconds. 

            "Hey look, there's one of those chain malls so we can get ice cream after our rigourus shopping trip." 

            We locked our bikes up on the bike rack and heading into the store. We explored the whole store. When we got the candy aisle, I looked and Caitlyn and she nodded. We needed to stalk up on candy if we were going to have enough energy for our protest!

            Overall, we got like six of those huge bags of candy. Sour patch kids, M&M's, Skittles, Mentos(mint of course), Jolly Ranchers, and Tootsie pops. 

            It took twenty minutes of debating and then we finally continued to where could find brownie ingridients. On our way we found a Crumpet station. How could we resist? We grabbed two twenty packs and finally realized we actually will go broke if we don't get to the ingridients soon.

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