Here We Come, England: 10

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OKAY, this chapter is dedicated to TheReadingAngel for the beautiful poster on the side, which is also part of my advertising. (: Anyways, sorry for the less frequent updates. School has just started, as well as swimming and I have been CRAZY busy. As, I don’t get home from school until 5:30 because of swimming. It sucks but I am trying my best…

Anyways, I am not sure how much of Here We Come, England is left, but I haven’t gotten that far. It should be a lot longer than Dancing In The Rain. BUT, I can’t wait for, It’s Him. That’s my favorite out of all three.

Here’s the chapter

Chapter Ten: We’re so close. Closer. BONK!!

Dear Diary,

            Lucky us! Caitlyn and I are supposedly grounded. But, of course we know how to get out. Caitlyn and Devon are going shopping tonight, so they’re just going out the front door because mummy and daddy still spend their days inside their room. What sicko’s.

            I am helping Caitlyn get ready. We’re inside our closet, and trying to decide what she should wear. She has so many clothes, that it’s hard to fit both of our clothes in one closet.

            Anyways, I have to go, because she thinks I am in the bathroom right now. Buh bye.



            I walk back into our room, and of course, Caitlyn is still staring at her closet. After giving myself some time to think, I decided which outfit she should wear. It would be a cute brown top, and it’s a tank so she’d be showing some skin. Then, a pair of ripped jeans. And, I straightened her hair, and walla. She looks beautiful. Except for the part, that I had accidently burnt her ear…

            We still had a half an hour until her date, so we snuck into the kitchen. We weren’t sure what we’re doing for phase two, tomorrow but we’ll decide later. We went to daddy’s wallet and took his credit card. Just incase Devon wasn’t planning on paying. Daddy would never notice anyways. Plus, that’ll help us, against them in the long run if her notices.


            “Diiiiing-Dooooong.” I hear Devon yell from the side of the house. We agreed to meet there so Mum and Daddy couldn’t see or hear us. I was nervous and had butterflies in my stomach.

            “Don’t worry, Kate. You’ll be fine.” She assures me as I climb out the window. I nod and wave, making sure I have my purse. Just incase I need my phone.

            “Ready, Caitlyn?” Devon asks me as we get in his car. I feel so special having him drive me to the mall. I hope the mall has good clothes.

            “Of course I am! Why wouldn’t I be?”

            “Umm, you look a little nervous.” I laugh.

            “Nope. As calm as a clam.” I smile at him and turn on the radio, scanning through trying to find a good channel. They have too much classy music in England.

            We arrive at the mall in no time. But, to our luck, the parking lot was completely full. We had to park a whole block down from the mall. “So, ready to shop?” Devon asks me.

            “I’m hungry though..” I whine.

            “Then, let’s get food first.”


            He grabbed my hand[on which I almost fainted, but kept calm] and we walked into the entrance. We look at the map and saw that the food court was on the whole other side of the mall. And, this mall happened to be a lot bigger than the one in New York.

            When we got to the food court Devon let me pick what were eating. As long as it wasn’t sea food.

            I searched all the restaraunts.

            “I choose pizza.” I pronounce.

            So, Devon and I, hand in hand, walk over to the pizza stand. There was an Italian man at the cash machine. And, how we know he was Italian is because he was speaking Italian.

            “Ciao a tutti, come posso aiutarla?” He says.

            Devon and I stare at each other, quite confused. A guy in line behind us tapped our shoulder. We turned to see a man who also looked Italian

            “He said, Hello There, How may I help you?”

            “Thanks.” I reply.

            All of the sudden Devon began to speak.

            “Ciao! Vorremmo ordinare una pizza con formaggio peperoni ed extra, per favore. E, ci piacerebbe anche due Pepsi.” The man behind the counter nods and hands us a number.

            “Puoi aspettare là dietro quel banco e una volta che il numero viene chiamato si può afferrare il cibo.” Devon pays the man and we walk over to the end counter. We had number seventeen.

            “What was that?” I ask once we are waiting by the counter.

            “Let’s just say I took and few Italian classes.”

            “Ha. A cute British dude taking Italian classes.” I shake my head. This was all too much.

            We wait about two more minutes and finally a voice calls out, “Numero diciassette anni!”

            “That means seventeen.” Devon clarifies. We grab the box, that says Marco’s Pizza. We hand the man the number and head off to find our own table.

            We settle in a small booth towards the back of the court. I looked at the pizza and without waiting for Devon to instruct me, I grab the biggest piece and start eating it with my hands. He probably things I’m a pig.

            Devon laughs. “You must’ve been hungry.” I raise my eyebrows but continue to eat.”

            “Sei proprio una ragazza.” Devon mumbles.


            “Nothing. You just might want to bring your Google Translate on our next date.”


            We are in the parking lot of the mall. We are so close, I can tell he’s going to kiss me. I mean, we’ve had so much fun tonight. Why not make it more fun.

            He leans in closer. And, right when his lips meet mine, there’s a piercing scream from the right of Devon’s car. We both bonk heads.

            We both smile embarressed at eachother. With our rosy cheeks. Opening the door we scan the parking lot, to see...

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