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Alexus POV
One week passed and I'm here standing in court beside Omarion. All week he's been hitting me up and trying to flirt with me but whenever I see him, he's with different other girls. I'm here trying to win a case but he keeps on distracting me by winking or whatever and it makes me blush. The court case has come to an end anyways and I know that we're going to win.

"The jury finds the defendant not guilty." The clerk spoke.

I looked at Omarion and he smiled at me giving me a wink. I smiled back then looked back at the judge. Once the court case was over, I walked over to my car and unlocked it.

"Thank you, Alexus right?" Omarion said.

"Yeah, that's my name and no worries." I smiled.

"You really good, better than any other lawyer that I've ever had. Don't know how I've never heard of you before." He licked lips lower lip.

"In return, I wanna take you out. A nigga ain't even gonna lie but I think you really are something. I wanna get to know you, you sound like a kind girl." He shrugged.

"Look, I'm flattered but right now, I ain't interested." I blushed.

"I'm always making you blush and that but you ain't interested?" He questioned.

"I don't know." I shrugged.

"Okay, you've got my number. I'm free tomorrow all day." I sighed.

"I'll see you tomorrow." He winked at me.

I smiled a little and opened the door as I got inside of my BMW. I put the key inside the ignition and pulled off making my journey home. On my way home, I just started thinking about maybe finding my family. Like my cousins, aunties and uncles. Ever since mom and pops death, they haven't reached out to us. I remember my Aunt Bonnie who took us in but when she found out that Arnold was hustling, she threw the both of us on the streets. We kept on sleeping on other people's couches every single day meeting new people as we continued our journey never giving up. Until Arnold turned 18 and earned enough money to get us a big ass house that costed a fortune. We were living the live until that money got wasted and we got evicted. People were after him because he owned money, big time! I miss Arnold. I really miss him so much and how he used to always keep me happy whenever something bad was coming our way.

Driving through the opened driveway gates, I noticed Yolanda on my doorstep. I honked my horn and she turned around giving me that smile. I parked my car not putting it in the garage and removed the key from the ignition. I opened the doors and came out. She came over and gave me a hug.

"Where was you?" She asked me looking relieved that she's seen me.

"I was with some guy dancing until gunshots went off. He grabbed my hand and took me to safety. Well, at least he was. I told him I wanted to get out and he let me out. I walked all the way back home in the dark and in my short ass skirt! My legs were fucking freezing!" I explained whilst I unlocked the front door with my house key.

"I got home safely too." She smiled.

"Sure you did." I smirked real hard.

She blushed and flicked me off. We walked into the kitchen and I turned the kettle on. I removed my coat and hung it behind the stool that I was sitting on as I was talking to Yolanda.

"The guy that I was dancing with was actually my client for today. We won the case and he wants to take me out for dinner in return." I looked at Yolanda.

"You sure it's just dinner?" She pursed her lips.

"Yes, I'm sure." I nodded my head.

"Okay, I mean he is cute an' all but I just want us to be friends, nothing else." I clarified everything before she jumped on to conclusions.

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