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Alexus POV
It's been a week since I've gotten that text from Xavier and I've been looking out just in case his guys come and snatch me away. I've been leaving work and going home straight away. I know there's people following me, I just know it. Right now, I was heading out today with Yolanda. We were going out to a roller skating place with each other for a girls day out. I was on the way and had nearly reached the destination. It was so hot and I just wanted to head out to the beach and just relax but she wanted to do something fun instead.

Parking my car, I got out and walked to the entrance where I was met by Yolanda. She smiled and gave me a tight hug. I dismissed the security guards but they were eager to stay just to keep me safe.

"You got guards too?" She sighed.

"Yeah." I frowned and nodded my head.

"Ken's got me going everywhere with safety too. It's so annoying though." She explained.

We got our ticket and went over to get our skates. After getting the correct sizes, we began to skate. I ain't the perfect skater but I did drop once or twice..okay, I dropped 10 times but at least I didn't drop on the floor over 20 times like Yolanda. After roller skating, I got a little tired. I went out of the rink and took a seat. Yolanda joined me and we both laughed.

"How you feeling though? About Xavier wanting you back?" She looked at me.

"I don't know, I don't even know Yo." I shrugged.

"It's like the old times. Whenever he broke up with me, I'd still chase him." We said the last part at the same time.

"I guess I just missed being with him." I bit on my bottom lip.

"He abused you Lexus." She said with a straight face.

"I still loved him." I folded my arms.

"Yeah right, you were only saying that because he was providing your ass with money, clothes and food." She mumbled.

"Before I met him I was living off of the streets!" I got defensive.

"I just hated seeing you hurt, that's all." She took my hand.

"Your my best friend. I swear, if you left that nigga earlier, a bitch would've killed him. I would've made sure that he really did die." She pursed her lips.

I laughed and gave her a hug. We both removed the skates and walked over to where the workers had kept our stuff. Returning the shoes, we got in our individual cars and drove down to Fro Yo. It wasn't a long ride there, just 40 minutes or so. Arriving there, I felt a little uncomfortable. Every girl I saw in here was wearing shorts, skirts or a dress. They all seemed happy, even Yolanda but except me. I was wearing shorts but I could feel as if somebody was  looking at my butt. I know many guys did but right now, I had some weird vibe. I looked down at my phone because I had vibrated. I got another text from Xavier again.

Unknown- gimme' a lil' spin, twirl for me - 3:29pm

I felt a chill go down my spin. I wanted to just hide my legs or just run out of here. It's crazy how he knows my every move. I was getting a little scared and I never do.

Unknown- turn around and smile for the camera - 3:31pm

I turned around but didn't see nobody with a camera out taking a picture of me. I could feel myself sweating and my legs shaking. I looked at Yolanda who was ordering her Fro Yo. I unlocked my phone going on to my contacts and called for one of the securities to take me home. I felt insecure.

"Girl, you okay? You seem a little shaken up." Yo furrowed her brows.

"I'm good, I'm just gonna go home. I feel a little  sick." I tell her.

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