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Jade POV
I walked into Eman and Danger's trap. I know exactly what I was doing to save my girls. The plan was simple and easy. Just to lure them into my trap.

"Jade! The fuck you doing here?!" Eman walked towards me.

"The finally let me go!" I gave him a hug.

"Shit, you look good." He twirled me around.

"So I never looked good before?" I mugged him.

"Where's D?" I asked.

"Downstairs." He went over to the kitchen.

I opened the door and walked down the stairs. It stank bro, it really did. I opened the door and found Danger monitoring Toby. I looked at his body and felt sorry for him. He was laying there and was sleeping covered in blood. I covered his eyes from behind.

"Guess whooo?" I sang.

He removed my hands and looked at me. She smiled and stood up. He picked me up and spun me around. He put me down and gave me a hug. Danger and I went to school together, we weren't the best of friends at all. We'd always hate on each other, argue and fight. As we grew older, we started working for this man. Because we were the only 2 that knew each other, we figured that we could grow a friendship.

"What did they do to you?" He asked.

"Nothing. Hey look, they sound friendly. I don't think we should do all of..this." I tell him.

"What? Why not? We've been wanting to do this for a very long time!" He furrowed his brows.

"They don't want war, they just want a business deal. You get a share of their Organisation and it's all good. I made friends with them so that we can take their half. Don't you think that if they wanted war, they would've killed me by now?" I folded my arms.

"And they're sure about this?" He raised a brow.

"Yes, they are." I nodded my head.

"I don't know if I trust them. Before I let them go, I need to go and make the deal." He rubbed his hands together.

"So, when we going?" I asked.

He looked back at Toby who was on the ground. He looked at me again before making his decision.

"How about tomorrow?" He squinted his eyes.

"Sure, I'll tell them." I nodded my head.

"Alright, well look after this little nigga. I'll be back." He walked out of the room.

After he closed the door behind him, I slowly crept over to Toby who was on the floor. He opened his eyes and checked if Danger was still in here.

"He gone..?" He asked.

His voice sounded like it was going, I felt sorry for him. As soon as I save them, he better.

"Who that?" I pointed at the girl.

"Her name's Katrina, Kat for short." He nodded at the girl.

"Why she here?" I asked.

"She stole from Danger." He shrugged.

Kids these days..

Alexus POV
"So, how did it go?" I asked Jade through the phone.

"Girl, it was scary as fuck! Seeing his face again, nu-uh.".

"Damn..did you see Keisha and Toby?".

"Yeah, I did. I saw Yolanda too.".

I froze in my tracks and furrowed my brows. Did I hear right? Did I just hear her say Yo's name? Oh hell nah..!

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