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Alexus POV
"It's so hot out here." I fanned myself with a paper plate.

"It sure is." Yolanda sighed as she fixed her shades.

Leila walked over waving and waved back. Yo smacked her teeth and mumbled something under her breath. I got up from the chair and gave her a hug.

"How are you?" I asked her.

"I'm good." She sat with us.

"Yolanda, how you doing?" She looked at Yo.

"I'm good, trying to relax here in the sun." She said through gritted teeth.

"Where are all the guys?" She asked me.

"They all headed back inside to get a few drinks." I pointed at the kitchen.

"Alright, I'll be back soon." She smiled and stood up walking away.

"That bitch!" Yo shook her head.

"What about her Yo?" I asked.

"She just don't seem trustworthy. Besides, you look good with Omarion, not her." She folded her arms.

"Oh well, it is what it is. I'm happy with dating Eman instead." I say.

"He is cute." She nodded her head.

"I know right." I smiled.

Omarion came back outside with some raw sausages and meat. He walked over to the barbecue and placed them on. It sizzled which made him jump back. I giggled a little and he turned back mugging me.

"Let me help you." I yelled as I stood up.

"I don't need no help." He yelled back.

I walked towards him and he folded his arms. I took the bowl from him and placed more of the raw meats on the barbecue. He watched me as I cooked the foods and it only took 10 minutes for it to get ready.

"Alright, no need to show off." He mumbled.

"I'm not, just showing you how it's done." I shrugged.

The rest of them came outside along with Leila at the back. They took their seats and talked to each other. I like coming around together, I also see that they're getting along with Eman, he ain't usually with them a lot either. After the food was ready, I went into the kitchen to grab a bowl of rice that I had made and brought earlier on. The kitchen door opened and Eman came and wrapped his arms around my waist. I giggled nervously as he kissed on my neck.

"Okay, I need to get the food out there." I tell him.

"Alright, when you gonna be all mine?" He questioned.

"When you drop me home. We can watch movies or whatever." I held his hand.

He nodded his head and kissed my lip. He pulled me into a hug and we rocked side to side for a while. The kitchen door opened and Omarion was there.

"You gonna bring the food or nah? A nigga's getting a little hungry." He rubbed his stomach.

"Yeah, just after Emmanuel lets go of me." I tried getting out of his grip.

"Eman.." I mumbled.

He just tightened the grip and stared hard at Omarion as he also stared back. His grip tightened again and I was trying to breath but I nearly couldn't.

"E..Eman..?" I tugged at his arm.

"Let go of her bruh." Omarion said with a straight face.

His fists were balled up and he looked like he was about to fight somebody. Emmanuel slowly let go of me and I went nearly falling forward as I tried to catch my breath.

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