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I woke up when Boone rubbed my arm and kissed me. "We just entered New Mexico my beauty." He said. I sat up to look out the window. He looked out the window too. After ten more minutes Cliff pulled onto a dirt road and continued until we reached a gate.

Two guys were standing there. "Who else is with you?" He asked Cliff. "Dr. Reynolds' mate." "Show me." The guy said. Boone moved over to the window and invited me over beside him. He then rolled the window down once I was right next to him. He held my hand as the guy made sure I truly was who I was supposed to be.

The guy then opened the gate letting the truck pass. "Don't worry. My beauty, you'll be fine. I'll stay home tonight but tomorrow I've got to get back to work. I'll be home late tomorrow night though." He said. He kissed my forehead as the truck was coming closer to a huge mansion like house.

"You'll be staying with me at my home on the other side of the hospital." He said as the truck came to a stop. He opened the door then helped me out. Two women ran out and to Cliff and Blake. They engulfed them in their arms.

"That's their mates." Boone told me as grabbed my bag. He slung it over to his other hand before taking mine. "I'll give you a tour once you feel like it." He said as we walked towards a two story building behind the giant house. "That's the hospital. There's three stories underground for shelter just in case and it's also accessible from underground so if the weather's bad or there's an attack none of the women or children will have to go outside above ground." He said as I noticed a two story house behind the building.

Once to the house he unlocked the front door letting me go first. "You may choose any room in the house during your stay. I wouldn't mind even if you chose the master bedroom." He said setting my bag down. I walked up to the staircase and looked up unsure about it. Then started up it. Once at the top there were two hallways. One led to a bedroom and the other to three bedrooms and a bathroom.

I looked in each bedroom looking at the size of them. After choosing the second largest bedroom, right next to the bathroom, I walked in taking a closer look. I opened the closet seeing all of the space. Then sat down on the bed. I could sense him near the room. I then left the room to go back downstairs. He was standing there at the drop of the stairs.

To be honest this is kinda frightening to me. It's the first time away from my pack and in a new one. I guess he sensed it or saw it on my face because he came over and wrapped me in his arms. "Would you like to go on a tour of the land?" He asked before kissing me on the head.

I nodded silently. Before I could start down the stairs he picked me up. Once at the bottom he set me down. "Would you like a piggyback ride?" He asked. "Does a baby teethe?" I asked. "At a certain age. Yes." He said helping me onto his back. He opened the door then closed it behind us. "So where would you like to go first?" He asked. "Your favorite place." I answered.

"Remember when I said I was also a veterinarian?" He asked. I nodded against his head. He then walked past the house. A huge stable came into view. As we entered he set me down. "There's over two hundred horses in this stable and I've got to make sure each and everyone of them stays healthy." He said patting the neck of the first one.

I petted the muzzle of the horse. "Other than the hospital. This is the place to be." He said taking my hand before leading me down the isle. He pointed out the alpha, Luna, beta, beta female, and his horse as we walked down the isle.

"Now if you want you are allowed to pick out one of the horses to ride, brush, and pet. The stable hands take care of the food and water along with mucking the stalls out." He said as we turned down an isle.

"And this is the friendless isle. You may choose from any of these fifty horses that you would like to. If you want an insight on the horse all you have to do is ask." He said.

I walked along the isle looking at all of the horses. In the far corner of the stable isle was one not wanting to be in the stall. I walked down the isle now standing in front of the horse.

The horse stopped making so much racket and looked at me. He came right over to me. I let him sniff me before he snorted and turned away. He then came back up to me and nudged me. I reached out to pet him. He bared his teeth warning me not to.

I pulled my hand away letting him settle. Before I knew it I was pulled back away from the horse before he could snap at me. "Please don't do that again. He's almost sent me to my own emergency room several times." Boone warned me.

The horse was pawing at the stall door. "He doesn't like being pinned up like that." I told him. "And what do you mean by that?" He asked. "Will you let me walk him out to the corral and see how he can run?" I asked him.

He hesitated for a moment before grabbing a rope with a clip on the end. He handed me the clip end. "Be careful my beauty." He said watching me closely. I walked into the stall watching the horse's every move.

"Stay close to his body. That way he can't kick you." Boone said. I ran my hand down his neck and over his reddish brown coat.

I moved closer to his head rubbing his neck the whole way

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I moved closer to his head rubbing his neck the whole way. I then clipped it onto his halter and kept my hand there. I could tell he was wanting out. To run and see how fast he could go. Boone stayed close to me as I led the horse down the isle with a tight grip.

As soon as he saw the outside he tried to bolt. I held him tightly until we got to the corral. He settled down for a second while going in. I then unclipped it from his halter letting him run.

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