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Leah's POV

I tried to get out of bed. I cursed when I couldn't. I looked seeing the empty side of the bed then felt that it was still warm. 'Could you help me out of bed?' I asked him. I heard footsteps on the stairs before he entered the bedroom.

"I was just about to leave when you said something." He said kissing me. He then helped me sit up and off the bed. His hand went to my belly. "Not much longer until we get to meet our little boy." He said kissing me.

"Any news of a new doctor?" I asked. "Not yet my beauty. Hopefully today or tomorrow." He answered. He helped me down the stairs and to the kitchen. He fixed me a big breakfast quickly before having to go. I ate in peace until there was a knock at the door. I'm exactly twenty six weeks pregnant. A week over my due date. I have a feeling that labor will have to be induced somehow.

I opened the door seeing Aniley. She's been coming over everyday since I couldn't go to the stables. I welcomed her in before finishing my breakfast. By noon I had decided to go visit Boone. This female doctor took over the afternoon work while he was in his office. I made it to his office with lunch for him by the time he was about to enter. He kissed me before letting me in first.

"Don't usually visit. What's the occasion?" He asked. "Boone you know I'm a week overdue isn't there a way to induce the labor?" I asked him. He stood up from his desk eyes straight on me. "There's several ways to induce labor. There's medically and physically. It depends on which way you want to go." He said before kissing me.

"Medical wise?" I asked as he ran his hands under my shirt kissing my neck. "It's not as pleasurable as the physical option." He said moving it up on me. I untucked his shirt and undid his belt. He slid my sweats down taking them off. "One second." He said before locking his door and making sure the blinds were closed. He then set me up on his bathroom counter in the office. I could feel the bulge pressing into me.

I took him out as he shoved my underwear aside. He moved up to my lips as he entered. I let out a soft moan knowing we had to be quiet. He started out slowly knowing we hadn't done this in a few months. When I was close to my climax I felt something give way. He slowly pulled out as he had me setting over the sink. Liquid came out along with a round of pains. "I've got you my beauty. You're fine. That was supposed to happen." He said setting me down. Inducing labor by sex. Pleasurable yet no needles.

I leaned back on the couch that he had set me on. He had obviously linked one of the nurses that my water had broke. I took several deep breaths. "Probably should have seen how close our baby was before doing that." He said as he checked to see how dilated I was. I continued to breathe as he helped me stand. He helped me into my sweats. Then opened the door leading me to a room.

The more I walked the closer I got. After a few minutes of sitting with my legs apart I could feel something like the head. Boone quickly checked confirming it was. "I'm going to need you to lay down." He said picking me up carrying me to the bed. I pushed as a contraction rippled my body. He checked once again. I pushed as another contraction came.

"Almost there my beauty. Our boy is almost out." He said. I pushed once more as another came. Over and over until I saw him holding our boy umbilical cord still attached. I watched as he handed him to the nurses before coming to me with clean hands. "He's gorgeous my beauty. You did good." He kissed me as the nurse came out with him. She handed our baby to me freshly clean and diapered. I held him close to me.

Boone kissed my temple as our boy opened his eyes to see us. Thirty minutes was all it took for us to meet our baby. Forty five counting the inducing. I was released within four hours along with our boy.


Two years later

I caught David as he tried to go down the stairs. Boone came in shortly after. I bounded down the stairs with our boy. Once off the stairs I set him down. He ran for his dad. Boone bent down picking him up. He kissed me before hugging me. David was evidently tired from today. "Did he eat?" Boone asked. I nodded.

"I was about to give him a bath when you came in." I said. "I'll bathe him tonight and watch him tomorrow. I got two days off." He said. I kissed him before going to the kitchen to clean up. Thunder rumbled in the distance. I put the dirty dishes in the dishwasher before taking the trash out.

I was grabbed and a cloth was stuck over my mouth. I noticed the smell and fainted before I could alarm anyone. It was pitch black after that.

Boone's POV

I went into the kitchen after putting David in his bed. The little boy was mine. Never before would I have thought I'd have a child after finding my mate. I went down to the kitchen once he was asleep.

I didn't see her. I then linked her not getting a response. She wasn't responding. I sniffed around the kitchen catching her scent all the way to the back door. I stepped outside following the scent. She was obviously taking the trash out.

I also caught an unfamiliar scent. 'Blake. Leah's been taken.'

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