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I raced into the bathroom once again. It's been two weeks since we last did it. Every night since I had to have blood Boone's been working overtime in the stables and hospital. It's foaling season so I know why. I finished emptying the contents of my stomach out and flushed the toilet. I rinsed my mouth out and went to finish cleaning the house.

Noon rolled around quickly. Boone came inside to eat. "Hot out?" I asked him. He nodded. I pulled the tuna out for him to eat. I then rushed to the bathroom to puke once more. My hair was pulled back from my face. "Food making you sick?" He asked. I nodded. "When was your last period?" He asked. "A few weeks before my last heat." I told him. "And you didn't have your last night of heat." He said.

"That was the night we decided to leave early to come home." I said. "We didn't stop that night did we?" He asked. I shook my head. "We kept going." I said. He helped me to my feet. I rinsed my mouth out before going back to the kitchen. He was already eating the sandwich. Meat didn't please my appetite. I sat at the bar wondering what I could eat.

"Want me to make you a sandwich?" He asked. I shook my head. "Next week I'll have an opening if you want to stop by." He said coming up to me. I looked down. He had a hand resting on my stomach's flat surface. "Do you think I could be?" I asked him. "All the signs are pointing to it." He said. He kissed me before going back out to work.

All afternoon my thoughts were clouded by the fact that I could be pregnant. If he saw the signs and symptoms then I trust him to know I was. All I know is no shifting during pregnancy. All throughout the day I worked around the house. If I am pregnant the gestation period is four to five months. So twenty to twenty five weeks could be close to fifteen depending on how many I'm carrying.

'Leah. You need to calm down. I can sense your stress. You can't be stressed.' Boone said. I took a few deep breaths before deciding to take a nap. I woke up when the door opened. The laid back down. A hand touched my belly while another my cheek. I sighed as he kissed my temple. I opened my eyes. "Hey." He said. "Hey." I said. "Have you eaten anything today?" He asked. I shook my head. He kissed my forehead before going straight to the kitchen.

I fell back asleep. A few minutes later he woke me back up. He made me sit up to eat. Even though the food tasted good I couldn't hold it down at all. After the attempt to eat I got a shower before crawling into bed. Boone joined me after getting his own shower.

I curled right up against him. He pulled me close to him putting an arm over me with his hand resting on my belly. I put my hand over his. He kissed behind my ear.

I woke up and got out of bed. First thing I did was puke. My hair was pulled back quickly. Once my stomach was empty I felt a towel against my lips. I heaved a little. "Your good my beauty. Let's try to get some breakfast in you." He said helping me up.


I sat in Boone's office waiting on him playing on the computer. He came in and I quickly logged off of what I was on. "What were you up to?" He asked. "Nothing." I answered. Yesterday I didn't puke at all so I'm hoping it's over with.

He got onto the computer seeing what I was doing. "Wanna test our own theory tonight?" He asked after seeing what I had looked up. "We could now. Or do you want to see if there's a pup?" I asked him. He kissed my jaw. "Let's see if there's a pup first then if we have extra time we can test the theory." He said.

I let him lead the way to the room. Zoe was waiting outside for us. She led the way into the room. "Just sit up on the bed and we'll begin." She told me. I laid down while she started the machine up. "Sir if you want to take over now you may. I have to check on a few patients then be back." Zoe said.

He nodded before sitting on the stool. "Ready my beauty?" He asked. I nodded. He squirt some gel on my belly then got the ultrasound wand out. After hitting a few buttons I saw a smile cross his face. "Um how were we planning on having?" He asked. "Until we decide to stop." I said.

He leaned over kissing my cheek. It was hard for me to look at the monitor and this position. "May I see?" I asked him. He turned it for me to see it. I could already see a figure trying to take shape.

"It's growing my beauty." He said as he pointed to a certain area. I watched as that part grew a little before stopping. "Just about fifteen more weeks my beauty until we'll be keeping a really close eye on it. In about three weeks I'm going to try and schedule you in for another one so we can check the gender." He said. I nodded.

"If we can tell by then." I said. He kissed me. "If we can tell my beauty."

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