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'Leah. Come to my office.' Blake linked me. I quickly put Wiley up in his stall and walked to the pack house. The baby bump now evident and showing. Boone couldn't get the appointment made because he was too busy so today he made sure their was an opening.

I entered the house and walked to his office. I knocked on the door. Then heard a faint 'enter.' I opened the door before walking to his desk. "Usually I have my beta look at this but I'd like another alpha's opinion but don't want one that will try and take the pack down." He said.

I stepped up to his desk. He showed me what he meant. "I was thinking about expanding the territory into some open land but the packs surrounding it want a piece of it too." He said. "How many packs are in the area?" I asked. "Counting ours? Four." He answered.

'Where are you?' Boone asked. I looked up at the clock. "I'll link you my answer. I've got to get over to the hospital." I told him. "An ultrasound?" He asked. "Um yeah." I said as I quickly left. 'Take a fourth of the land and make sure the other three negotiate fairly on it.' I told Blake as I entered the hospital.

I couldn't run because of the baby growing inside. I saw Boone waiting patiently for me by his office. "Lost track of time." I said as he noticed me. "Fifteen minutes until my next appointment." He said.

I tried to keep up with him getting tired. I was thankful to lay on the bed for the ultrasound. "Getting tired my beauty?" He asked. "I had to speed walk over here because Blake asked for my opinion on something." I said.

He quickly started the machine up and got the gel on my belly. I could hear the heartbeat clearly. "What gender were you thinking of?" He asked. "What gender were you wanting?" I asked him.

"You know as long as it's a healthy baby I'll go for either gender." He said. "I need to start getting the baby clothes and blankets together because there's ten weeks left and all of that needs to be done before I get any bigger." I told him.

"Then you might wanna start with blue." He said showing me the monitor. "I'll see if Cliff's mate would like to go with me. She's been hanging out at the stables with me everyday." I told him. "She may. Especially since I can't while waiting on that one other doctor to show up." He said.

I got the towel and cleaned my belly off. Then stood up to kiss him before he had to get back to work. I went out to the stables seeing Aniley put her horse up in his stall. "Hey. Would you like to go shopping with me?" I asked her.

"Baby clothes?" She asked. I nodded. She squealed before dragging me to her car. Luckily I had my wallet and phone on me. We got to the mall and she practically dragged me to the baby section.

She showed me dozens of onesies that wouldn't even fit a newborn. She then went off to the toddler section while I stayed looking at the newborn clothes. I found a few blankets and some onesies enough for two months without doing laundry

Aniley came back with over a dozen cute outfits for a toddler. "Remember this is for a newborn." I told her. "Oh right. Sorry I got carried away." She said. Then went to put the clothes away.

I found a few more including some socks. She came back with newborn onesies. I looked through them agreeing on all of them. We then went check out. She went to the jewelry section to look. I finished and paid for the items before having to drag Aniley to the car.

Once back Cliff greeted us helping me with the bags. "I had to remind her that it was a newborn instead of a toddler." I told him. "Yeah. She gets carried away." He said. "Then while I was checking out she was in the jewelry section wanting the most expensive thing." I said setting my bags down.

He placed the ones in his hands next to mine. "Thank you for helping me bring them in. Aniley as you saw didn't." "Yeah. I'll talk to her about it later. Your the only one who actually wants to get to know her since she came here." He said.

"Might as well eat something and get a shower before going to bed." I said. "Yeah he'll be up late until everything is done." He said before leaving. I ate more than I usually do leaving almost nothing for Boone.

I then got a shower and looked at my extending belly in the mirror before putting one of his shirts on. I got into bed laying on my side comfortably. Soon falling asleep.

Boone's POV

I got home late going to the kitchen after taking my boots off. I saw she made supper but ate most of it. I sighed and quietly warmed it up for me to eat. Once I was done eating I got a shower downstairs and went up to our bedroom. I used my phone's flashlight to find some underwear and get into bed.

She was already asleep on her side of the bed. I got in right behind my beautiful mate and put an arm over her waist with my hand on her belly. Only a few short weeks until our first pup will be born. I honestly hope we have another doctor here because once he's born we'll need the third doctor.

I kissed her cheek before falling asleep myself.

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