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I got out of bed after loving on Boone all night long. After seeing her he had a complete breakdown in the shower while trying to love on me.

I had straddled him trying to get him to calm down. His breakdown had gotten worse. I finally stopped him by kissing him. He pulled me to him wanting comfort. "Shh. I've got you babe. She's not going to hurt you." I told him. He finally calmed down just enough for me to get him out of the shower and to the bed. I held him flush against me. He had calmed down completely. "Watch my memories." I had told him. I could feel him in my head as he watched how much pleasure he had given me.

He fell asleep peacefully thinking about how good he was treated when we did it versus what she did to him.

I got dressed in sports bra and spandex shorts. Then I put a tank top over the sports bra. I kissed him to wake him up. He sighed and picked his head up. "Do you want to go to the amphitheater?" I asked him. He shook his head. I kissed his head. "I'll lock the door behind me. I should be back by noon, ok?" He nodded. "I'll link you if I need you ok? Link me if you need me." I said before kissing him once more before standing up and leaving him to sleep.

I put my shoes on before going out the door locking it like I told him. I then jogged to the amphitheater to get me ready. Once there Cliff spotted me leading me to my side. I spotted her on the other side of the ring. Groups upon groups entered at a time. Several were picking sides on who was to win. As I had overheard she was one of the best fighters in the pack.

I'm sure she's heard a lot about me and how tough I am. Cliff then went to the center with the gamma that I've yet to meet. "Will the two opponents come out." The stage was gone leaving a dirt ring with blood staining the dirt. I stood on one side of the ring while she was on the other. I felt my fangs come out immediately. She's threatened my mate, now she deals with me.

"Now I know you both have fighting rules but these are ours. First rule is ten seconds your down. Second, first to draw blood is champ. Third, first to take a step out of the ring is an automatic lose. There will be three rounds. If you can not complete all three the still standing wolf will be the victor. One of you may die or end up suffering from your wounds in the prison for two years." Cliff said. He was now in the middle. "Alpha Blake, gamma Drake, and I beta Cliff will be the judges of who wins each round. If you do not stop when time is called you are disqualified and sent to the prison for three years." He yelled.

She had her claws out. "No claws no teeth until the third round." Blake said. Cliff and Drake taped our fingers so our claws couldn't come out. She glared at me. I looked at her oddly. Once the bell rang to start she lunged at me. I dodged her sliding to the side. I kept my foot six inches from the line. As she came for me again I once again dodged her attack.

Every time I dodged I moved three inches closer to the center. Finally she was tiring after thirty minutes of lunging and punches. I cocked my head once before going at her full body. I backed her across the line signaling the end of the first round. We had a five minute break before going at it again. Once she was out of breath I went at her. I made her double over from a knee to the stomach. The countdown began. Once it had been ten seconds round two was over.

This time ten minutes. My arms were bruised badly. My calves as well. No was the blood battle. They took the tape off our fingers. Something deep down told me not to let her cut my stomach open. I didn't know what it was but I was going to follow my instinct. As soon as the bell rang she dug her claws into me. I kicked her back blood coming down my arms. I punched her hard knowing I couldn't wait this one out. I got a good scratch in on her and continued to beat her down. Anger, rage, anything that I had against her for hurting him came up.

She finally cowered down and back down realizing she wouldn't win the fight. I got her good on her side. Once she stepped a foot out of the ring she had lost. The time was called. I was heaving from all I gave. Once I was declared victor I was allowed to leave while she got to spend two years in the prison for testing me.

I went right back to Boone and got in the house using the hidden key. The adrenaline was gone. I could now feel the cuts and how dizzy I had gotten. I sat on the stairs trying to catch my breath. Footsteps on the stairs behind me let me know he was coming down the stairs. I stayed put as he checked out my only injuries before going to somewhere in the house.

He came back with what looked like a first aid kit. "She's in the prison for two years." I told him. He took my left arm cleaning the cut. I hissed at the pain. "You did good my beauty." He said as he worked quickly on stitching each up. After the fourth cut was cleaned and stitched up he moved to my right side. I hissed once again as he cleaned the cuts. "That's my beauty." He said as he continued.

I laid my head on his shoulder as he finished up. He kissed my cheek. Once he was done I looked at the cuts. He stood me up kissing on me. I leaned on him due to my dizziness. He then picked me up. "Let's go check your vitals." He said carrying me to the hospital.

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