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Boone's POV

I woke up to weight on my back. Her scent engulfed me. All I remember from last night was her giving me a back massage. I reached back rubbing her leg. She moaned obviously tired. I rubbed her leg again. She finally lifted her head. Then realized I was awake. I sat up slowly not wanting her to fall and hurt herself. She slid off my back and fell onto the bed. I picked her up pulling her to me. She was back asleep by the time she was under the covers. I had her right up against me as I fell back asleep.

When my alarm went off before I knew it I hit it quickly not wanting to wake my beauty. She groaned before rolling over now facing me. I carefully got up out of bed and got dressed. Then kissed her forehead before going down to my clean kitchen. I've never seen my house this clean since I moved in at eighteen. I'm twenty five years old and I'm sure she's eighteen herself.

I ate a quick bite before going to the hospital. I clocked in and started my day. At eight o'clock sharp, the usual came in. I'm tempted to ask Leah if she wants to mark me so this woman would stop wasting my time. "What is it today Jema?" I asked the blonde. "My left breast hurts." She told me. "You come in everyday with something to do with your breasts. Nothing is wrong. You've had cat scans, MRIs, mammograms, and any other possible ways to see what was wrong. Your still a clean bill of health." I said dismissing her.

As I went back to my office one of the nurses told me that Leah was waiting for me in my office. This is the first time she has done this. I walked faster to my office, my boots sounding off the tile floor. As I entered I saw her sitting in my swivel chair. "Did you sleep good?" I asked her. She stood up coming over to me. "Yeah." She answered wrapping her arms around me.

A knock came to my door. "Yes?" I said opening the door. "Jema is back claiming that her breasts are hurting again." My trusted nurse, Zoe, said. "Tell her I'm busy." I said. "Yes sir." She said. "Do you need to check on her?" Leah asked. "No. She just comes in to see me." I said. I placed my lips on her soft ones before trailing them down her neck.

"Have you decided if your going to stay?" I asked her. "Think I might stick around for my handsome Doctor." She said. "Then would you mind if you were marked?" I asked her. She sat up on my desk. I leaned on the desk kissing her. She pulled me to her and deepened the kiss then trailed them to my neck. I showed her my neck letting her bite, suck, and kiss at the skin.

I had ten more minutes before I had to be at my next patient. I felt her fangs scrape against my sweet spot. I let out a soft growl. That's when she knew that I couldn't have much control for much longer. Her fangs sank deep into my neck right on my sweet spot. After a second all I felt was pleasure. I felt her tongue run along it helping the healing process of it.

I knew she had me wrapped around her finger but I doubt she even knew that. "Would you let me mark you?" I asked her. "Maybe tonight." She said. I kissed her. She let me deepen the kiss before I had to go back to work. "I'll see you later my beauty." I said before kissing her once more as a promise of what I asked.

I went to check on a patient that had came in the day I got back. I opened the door and closed it behind me. "How are you this morning?" I asked the teenage boy. "Fine sir." The boy said. "Haven't seen a broken arm like yours since I started." I joked. He cracked a smile. "That might have been caused by the same guy that did this to me." He joked. I checked his vitals out then gave him the okay for the rest of the day.

"I'll see if you may go home tonight so you don't have to stay another night here." I said. I finished my rounds close to lunch. I got to my office and went in. I closed the door so I could do a stack of papers that needed to be filled out. As I was working the head stable hand came in. "Anything I can help you with?" I asked him.

"You wanted to see me about an enclosure for the mustang your mate claimed?" He asked. "Yes. She apparently thinks the horse needs more than his stall to run around." I said. "I've heard that from a few of the stable hands." He said. "Then it might be a good idea to do that then." I said. "I'll see how many of the hands could do it within a day." He said.

I nodded. "Well I'll leave you to your work then. Thank you for vaccinating the horses yesterday." He said before leaving. I nodded. All evening I was doing paperwork, seeing emergency patients and trying not to fall asleep. "I've got to call it a night." I told Zoe. "You know your dad wouldn't allow that." She said. "Oh but he is. I've got to spend some time at home and get some sleep. I promised my mate something and I honestly want to keep my promise." I said.

"She marked you didn't she." Zoe said. I nodded. "Then have fun tonight doc." She said letting me go. I went to my house. I got a shower not seeing Leah anywhere. I looked in the mirror for the first time today seeing the mark. Of course she's an alpha but this is not an alpha's mark. I then went into the kitchen seeing her cooking supper.

I went over to her and put my arms around her. "Your off early." She said. "I wanted to spend more time with my mate and beauty tonight." I said. She turned the burner off. "Could you get two plates out?" She asked. "Yes ma'am." I said getting them.

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