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I woke up in Boone's office. He was sitting off at his desk doing paperwork. I don't remember what happened after he had picked me up carrying me to the hospital. I saw a needle up my arm with a deep red liquid entering through it. I recognized it as blood. I looked up over at Boone. He still hadn't realized I was awake just yet. I then tried to sit up. He was there before I could even sit up.

"Hey, don't not just yet." He said having me lay back down. He checked the bag holding the blood before the needle. "Looks like she hit a major artery in your left arm causing you to lose blood. The quicker you moved the more you lost." He said. "Get some more rest. I'll be right here if you need anything." He said.

There was a commotion out in the hall. He jumped up from his desk and went out to see what it was.

Boone's POV

I stepped out into the hall seeing one of the warriors with a woman. "Dr. Reynolds. Just the man I wanted to see." The warrior said. "How may I help you?" I asked him. "Well my mate was a doctor at her previous pack and they had too many there so she asked if the pack was short staffed on doctors and I told her you were practically the only one here besides thirty nurses." He said. "And." I said. "Um I was wondering if I could work here in the hospital along side you." The lady said. "We are under staffed at the moment and the pack is growing it won't be long before I'd need a third doctor to help." I said.

"The pack where I came from has three extra doctors on staff besides me." She said. "If I assign you to one of my trusted nurses are you willing to go through the patients and check up on them?" I asked her. "Yes." She said. I spotted Zoe behind the desk. She held my gaze. I called her over to me. "This here is Zoe. She's been here since my dad was in the middle of his career. She knows every pack member, their blood types and what recently happened to them." I told her.

"You'll be working with her until ten tonight. I've got to finish up some paperwork." I said before going back into my office. Leah was back asleep.

Leah's POV

I woke up when the door opened. "How'd she do?" I heard Boone ask someone. "Good. She knew exactly what to do and even helped cheer one of the patients up." I heard Zoe say. "She can then start in the morning. I'm going to ask Blake if he could get ahold of her alpha and see if one or two of their doctors would come here to help out." Boone said.

I stared at his butt the whole time. After he closed the door he checked on me once again. "I'll be able to spend more time with you my beauty." He said. He kissed my forehead before checking the bag. He then took it off the hook and detached it from the tube. I watched carefully as he threw the bag away before carefully taking the needle out of my arm.

It was at least three inches long. He quickly put a cotton ball over the spot and taped it down. "Feel better?" He asked. I nodded. He helped me sit up then stand. His hands were on my waist as I took a step towards him. I held onto his arms as he walked backwards allowing me to walk. The whole time he had an easy smile. I could tell his eyes were full of love and care.

He then dropped his arms from my waist letting me walk by myself. "Let's go up to the house." He said taking my hand. He led me to the house and up the stairs. "Are you hungry?" He asked. I nodded. He then kissed me before going back downstairs. I went into the bathroom and started a bath. I stripped out of my clothes and stepped into the tub.

After I turned the water off he came up with a little spread. He joined me in the tub with the food nearby. I laid there as he washed my body teasing me a bit. He fed me with his free hand holding me close to him. He checked the stitches seeing how they were healing. "Maybe tomorrow they could be taken out." He said kissing my shoulder. I leaned back against him.

He kissed my neck. "No love making tonight my beauty." He said as he continued to kiss my neck.

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