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Leah's POV

I woke up looking around. After trying to see where I am I try to stand. Silver slightly burns my wrists as it moved. I went against it and stood. The door opened. I looked up seeing exactly who it was.

I growled at the rogue leader. He chuckled. He freaking chuckled. I lunged at him. The silver cuffs cutting into my wrists. "Well one alpha female down twelve more to go." He said before leaving.

I leaned back against the wall. My boys, their at home without me. My two year old won't understand why I'm not there. He'll be crying for me when he finds out I'm gone.

That night several more women were brought in. Their ages ranging from sixteen to twenty five. I waited patiently. Then looked down at the bloodstained concrete floor. I knew one was chained up next to me.

I then looked and smelled. She had my brother's scent on her. His mate, his Luna. Once they were gone I looked over at her. "Psst." I said. She looked over at me. "What pack are you from?" I asked her. "Sunrise Creek." She answered.

"Alpha Matthew?" I asked her. She nodded. "That would be my twin brother." I told her. "But aren't you mated to a doctor?" She asked. "Yeah. But I still have all of the alpha in me so they think I'm a Luna." I said.

I then extended a claw to try and unlock my cuff. The door slammed open then shut. The leader walked in slowly going down the isle of cells. He came into our cell. I pulled my claw in and hid my fangs ready to rip his throat out. He injected me with something. In a few seconds I realized it was wolfsbane.

I growled before yanking at the chains. The wolfsbane helped them none. I could feel my wolf wanting out. "Get another three ounces in her." He growled. I only laughed. Matt's mate must think I'm crazy. They injected me with more. I broke the chains before they could even do anything.

My wolf took over before I knew it. Everything became a blur.

Boone's POV

I felt them using wolfsbane on her. David was on my lap as I did paperwork burying myself in it and my son. I could feel her wolf in full rage. That scared me most of all. Then everything went silent. It's been five days since she's disappeared.

I looked at David as he played with toys on my desk. Blake came in. "Luna's have been taken from twelve packs." He said. "Do you think they could have mistaken her as a Luna?" I asked. "Yes." He said.

Leah's POV

I woke up chained by my neck, wrists, waist, and ankles. I puked flat out. I then thought I was once again pregnant with my second. My heat must have drove Boone into overdrive once more. He didn't pull out but let me become pregnant once again.

A guy came in with boxes of pregnancy tests. He's seeing who's pregnant and who's not. He gave us each a bottle of water and had the puke cleaned up. After I was forced to drink the whole bottle he went down the isle making the Lunas take a pregnancy test.

Some refused and got slapped. When he got to me he moved my pants to my knees. He then shoved his grimy fingers into my personal area and inserted them.

I growled as I watched him lick his fingers. "Oh the boss is going to love you." He said before making me pee on the stick. He then slammed four of his fingers into me. I knew Boone could feel what this disgusting man was doing to me.

An alarm went off. He had just pulled his fingers out of me licking them. I looked up behind him seeing someone I thought I'd never see again except for a visit. He and I shared a look before he knocked the guy into the barred wall. He quickly unlocked me. I pulled my pants up covering what's Boone's.

"Where's their leader?" He asked as he unlocked his mate. "Somewhere upstairs." I told him. "Man your too much like mom." He said. "Oh I've got the leader. He won't know what hit him." I said as we got out of the stall.

I grabbed the pregnancy test that guy used on me sticking it in my pants. I immediately saw him tussling with an alpha. I extended my claws and ripped his throat out for dragging me here. Matt and his mate were unlocking cells and helping the lunas escape.

I kicked him back. He shifted into human form. I noticed I took his vocal cords out. Then went for him once again. I ripped his head off and roared. Everything came to a standstill. Several alphas looked at me wondering what happened.

I then breathed a welcoming scent. He came in through the destruction straight to me. "Leah. My beauty. It's me." He said reaching out to touch me. I moved closer to him before letting him wrap me up in his arms. My doctor, my mate. The one I'll never hurt on purpose.

I let his scent calm me down. The alpha that the rogue leader killed was one near our border. A woman soon let out a scream. I killed the rogue. He killed the alpha. I'm the new alpha of the pack. "Lets go home." Boone finally said. The beta of the pack approached me.

"We need a new alpha. I saw you attack and kill the rogue that killed him. Will you be willing to take over his place and be our alpha? I'll be your trusted beta and assist you when needed." He said bowing to me. I looked up at Boone. He kissed my temple. "It's a lot of work but it pays off in the end." I told him.

"I'm guessing you'll need an extra doctor?" Boone asked. "Ma'am your mate is a doctor?" He asked. "Yes. Answer his question." I said. "Yes sir. We need an extra doctor on hand just in case one is needed." The beta said.

"I'll talk to my alpha about it then let you know." I told him.

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