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Boone told me his name was Loco, meaning crazy. I stood by the corral fence watching Wiley the new name I gave the horse. He came over to me and nudged the fence before sprinting away from me and running around the ring several times. I got up on the top of the corral. Wiley came over and set his head on my lap before nudging me.

I lowered myself into the ring petting and rubbing on him. He laid down at my feet letting me pet him. I then decided to straddle his back. As soon as he felt the pressure on his sides he stood up trying to freak out. I pet him gently telling him how handsome he was and how good he was being.

He settled down just standing there for me. He soon started walking around the ring. I continued to brush him with my hand. Boone was in the stables giving horses vaccinations. Wiley soon didn't care that I was on his back. When he was settled I slid off his back and let him follow me over to the gate. I put his lead on him before opening the gate.

He didn't bolt from me as I led him through the stable back to his stall. I stopped him right outside of it and grabbed his brush. After brushed him down I held his halter still as Boone approached him. "How'd he do this morning sweetheart?" He asked. I've been here for three full days so far. Everyday since I met Wiley I've been hanging out with him while Boone was at the hospital. "He let me into the corral and onto his back." I said not even lying.

"What have I told you about going into the corral with me or a stable hand?" He asked. I rolled my eyes. "Hm?" He asked. "Not to. But that's not what I'm seeing. I see a horse that doesn't like being cooped up in his stall all day. I'm the only one that actually is willing to take him out of his stall and get to know him." I said.

"So you went against what I said and did it anyway?" He asked. "That's just the stubborn nature of me." I said. "That's the alpha nature in you." He countered as he gave Wiley the shot. He jumped a little as the needle went in. Once it was over I put him in his stall letting him drink and take a nap. "I'll ask about putting a paddock in or a horse run for him." Boone said taking my hand. He then pulled me to his side.

I laid my head on his shoulder as we walked out of the stables. "I'll see you at home later ok?" He said then kissed my forehead heading towards the hospital. I went to the house. As soon as I walked through the door I took my boots off. Then went to start some laundry. After a few loads and putting the clothes away I heard the front door open then close.

I walked out from the laundry room to see Boone there his clothes were drenched. "What happened?" I asked wondering. "Clear vomit. Is the washer empty?" He asked. "Strip out of those clothes and stick them in the washer. I'll bring you some fresh clothes." I told him. "Underwear too please." He yelled as he took his shirt off. I went up to his room grabbing a fresh pair of jeans, one of his scrubs shirts and a clean pair of underwear and socks.

I went to the laundry room seeing him putting his clothes in the washer. I stood there as he started the clothes not letting my eyes wonder farther south than his chest. He finally looked up at me. "Did you wash my clothes?" He asked. "Thought I'd be nice and do that while you worked." I said. "Thank you." He said before turning to wash his hands. "Oh you can go set the clothes on the bathroom counter in the bathroom near the hall." He said. I nodded before taking the clothes to the bathroom knowing he was following me.

I placed them on the counter and exited. He kissed my cheek as he went into the bathroom. The door was closed behind him. I finished folding the clothes and switched the laundry before starting a load of towels. Boone came out freshly clean. I gave him a kiss before he went back to work. "You'll have clean clothes and a clean house when you get home." I told him. "Thank you sweetheart." He said kissing me.

"Be careful." I told him. He kissed me once again before putting his boots on and going back to work. I finished cleaning the house, fixed supper, eaten, had a shower, and was watching a movie by the time he got home at midnight. He ate then got another shower. I stood at his doorway as he came out of his bathroom. He got on his bed and under the covers. I could tell he was tired from working today.

I went over to the bed. He was right in the middle of the bed. I got up on the queen size bed. His large frame barely fit on it. I started massaging his back. He growled lightly before he purred. I then straddled him. He rested his arms above his head. His back muscles flexed as he did so. I leaned forward kissing his neck while I still massaged it.

This mate bond is pulling us closer and closer together by the day. He sighed before falling asleep softly snoring. I turned the light off staying on his back falling asleep myself.

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