Chapter 25

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"What's she doing here?" Tig asked as soon as he saw that Happy and Valentine walked in. Tig bent down to rub Mayhem behind his ears but waited for a response. 

"The Mayans took her before and I'm not going to let that happen now that shes pregnant." Happy answered. He wasn't going to risk the life of his wife and unborn kids. He saw that Gemma was here comforting Clay so if shes here, Val can be here too. 

"Your pregnant? Congratulations." Bobby walked up to the two and brought both of them into a hug. Happy and Valentine hugging back the man. Clay walked up to Happy and shock his hand. After that he brought Valentine into a hug. 

"I'm glad it's your time. Both of you are gonna make great parents." Clay said. He ordered the prospect to get beers and shots to celebrate when Valentine and Happy heard a scream. 

"What the hell was that?" Valentine questioned. It came from the chapel. Slowly walking over to the door, she looked back to make sure that it was ok that she went in. Val has only been in there once and that's when she was little and the lawyers wanted to make sure that it was ok that Tig became her parent. 


Valentine was 10. Tig was 42 and already had tow daughters, one 14 and the other 11. Valentine was sitting at the head on the table in Clay's seat. Gemma in the VP seat and Tig next to her. The lawyers and social workers were in the Sergeant at Arms seat and went down the wear Piney sits. 

Valentine was very nervous. She didn't get why now all the sudden they are being questioned by people. Val knew that she didn't want to get taken away from her Bubba. She had a father but Tig was her dad and she didn't want to leave her dad. 

"Your name is Valentine Teller, right?" One of the lawyers asked. She had a black pant suit on that was a size to big. Her hair was in tight curls that made Val think of the pasta you get in pasta salad with the Italian dressing. 

"Yes." Valentine replied. She played with her fingers in her lap as Bubba did the same thing on the table. Gemma was just sipping on her water, the whole thing boring her and her not seeing the point. 

"What does your room look like at Mr. Trager's house?" Another lawyer asked. Valentine liked him because he had a smile that reminded her of her brother Jax. 

"Who?" Val didn't know a Mr. Trager and she sure as hell knows that she doesn't have a room at his house. 

"Mine bug." Tig or Bubba answered. As soon as he spoke Val's mood changed. The lawyers noticed and wrote down somethings. It was a good mood change and it brought back the little girl that Tig knew she was. A happy one. 

"Well the walls are baby pink. I just got a new bed because my brother broke the old one by jumping on it." 

Before she could continue a lawyer cut her off. "Jackson Teller? How old is he?" 

"Yes but I only call him Jackson when I'm mad at him or I want something and he's 22. We're 12 years apart. Well I got a new bed  frame that is cherry wood with my name craved in it. I have a closet that I use as a play room because you can walk in it. I have two dressers that I drew on. Bubba wasn't mad because they were old anyway. I really want a cat but Bubba's allergic but I still want one." Valentine babbled on and the lawyers and social workers took notes. 

"Do you like Mr. Trager's house?" A social worker asked. Valentine didn't know the difference between a social worker and a lawyer but Tig and Gemma did. 

"Yes. It's cozy and cool. He has a big couch and his dog Missy always used to sleep on it before she passed away. She was a German Shepherd." Valentine loved Missy and when she passed she cried and cried. Bubba was next to her crying too. 

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