Chapter 14

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~3:00 a.m~

Amari P.O.V

Me: "Riah! What the fuck yo!"

Mariah: "Hm?"

Me: "Wake up! I know you did not just piss yourself!"

Mariah: "Oh shit."

Me: "Oh shit? Clean this up!"

Mariah: "No baby my water broke."

Me: "Oh shit, let's go." I said helping her up out of our bed.

Mariah: "Oh god, contractions!"

Me: "Put your seat belt on, and tighten it." I directed as I got her in the car.

Mariah: "Ok." She said trying to breath.

Me: "Call everyone and put it on speaker."

Mariah: "Ok." She said taking my phone out of my hand.


Ab: "Hello?" Ab whispered groggily into the phone.

Me: "Yo! Mariah's water broke meet us at the hospital!"

Ab: "For real? You want me to tell everybody else?"

Me: "Yea."

Ab: "Bye."


Mariah: "Aaah shit! Baby?"

Me: "It's ok we're almost there. Just breath."

Mariah: "I'm trying. It hurts!"

Me: "It ok." I said holding her hand.

Mariah: "Thank god we're here!"

Me: "Let's go give me your hand."

Mariah: "Call a doctor over here!"

Me: "Yoo! We need a doctor! Right now! She going into labor!"

Mariah: "Oh my god!"

Me: "What wrong baby?" I said a little loud as the doctors put her in a wheel chair.

Mariah: "I'm having a fucking baby! That's what's wrong!"

Me: "It's ok baby just breath."

Doctor: "Sir we need you to fill out these forms and put your scrubs on. Are you the father?"

Me: "Sure ok and yes I am."

Doctor: "You can put the scrubs on just in here and finish filling out these forms with your wife."

Me: "Ok thank you sir."

I took the scrubs from the doctor and went to change. After I changed I quickly walked back to Riah's room. I could tell she was in pain because she kept making faces and squeezing my hand.

~4 Hours Later~

~March 8th, 7:30am~

Doctor: "Would you like to cut the umbilical cord?"

I gently cut the cord right where the doctor guided me to. I looked down at Riah looking very weak and smiled.

- We just had our son.

Me: "Mariah look." I whispered, gently handing her Quinton.

Mariah: "He looks just like you."

Me: "He has your hair color."

I've never seen her smile so much in my life.

Mariah P.O.V

Amari: "He has your hair color."

Me: "I can't believe we just brought a little boy into the world."

Amari: "Me neither." He whispered smiling at me.

Me: "He's adorable." I whispered weakly as Mari passed Quinn back to the doctors.

Amari: "Your tired, get some sleep. I'll be here when you wake up, I promise."

Me: "I love you."

Amari: "I love you too."

Sa'Dia P.O.V

We were sitting in the hospitals waiting room waiting to hear from Mari.

Amari: "Hey. Thanks for coming y'all, she's sleeping right now but you can see the baby."

Ab: "Where baby G at?"

Amari: "I be right back." He said walking away and returning within less then 10 minutes.

Trey: "Ay, he look like me." Trey said with a small laugh.

Me: "Awwww, Mari he's so cute."

Aisha: "What's his name?"

Amari: "Quinton."

Ab: "Welcome to the world Q."

Amari: "He got nicknames already?"

Me: "Aww Quin is so cute." I cooed playing with his tiny fingers.

Ab: "Hell yea, baby Q gon get all the hoes."

Trey: "What's his whole name?"

Amari: "Quinton Demari Santana-Lopez."

Trey: "That's wassup. Ay lil man, you got a long ass name." He cooed.

Ab: "Well bro, we gonna head out. You know a thug tired."

Trey: "Yea, it's early. Bye ya'll."

Aisha: "Bye Quinn. Bye Mari."

Me: "Bye Quinn."

Ab: "Bye bro, peace Q man."

Amari: "Bye."

~30 Minutes Later~

We finally got home and I went straight upstairs and dozed off.

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